Michel DE LARA

photo photo
Organization: École nationale des ponts et chaussées and Institut Polytechnique de Paris

Research Unit: CERMICS ~~~ Project: Optimization ~~~ calendar

Phone: 33 (0)1 64 15 36 21 ~~~ E-mail: michel dot delara( )enpc dot fr

~~ photo ~~ photo ~~ photo ~~ photo ~~ photo ~~

Optim' Planet 3' trailer             ~~~             The Biased Mind website       (reviews ~~ Youtube ~~ slides ~~ diapositives)             ~~~             Optimization of New Energy Systems

CV ~~ PUBLICATIONS ~~ SLIDES ~~ PhD STUDENTS                                 PROJECTS ~~ COURSES ~~ FOR STUDENTS


BIRS-CMO workshop Multi-Stage Stochastic Optimization for Clean Energy Transition [22-27 September 2019]
SESO Smart Energy and Stochastic Optimization, series of international thematic weeks and winter schools [2014-2019]


Plenary speaker at the 2023 XVI International Conference on Stochastic Programming (ICSP, Davis, CA)

Associate editor of the journal Environmental Modeling & Assessment
Member of the scientific committee of the Program PGMO
Member of the scientific coordination committee of the Institute for energy transition EFFICACITY

Ex-president of the expert committee of the Laboratoire de Mathématiques Bretagne Atlantique (LMBA) for the Haut Conseil de l'Évaluation de la Recherche et de l'Enseignement Supérieur (Hcéres) [2020-2021]
Ex-member of the scientific committee of the Institute INERIS [2014-2020]
Ex-president of the scientific committee of the Excellence Laboratory LABEX CORAIL [2012-2019]
Ex-member of the French Economic Council for Sustainable Development [2008-2016]

~~ BOOKS ~~

Les Biais de l'esprit Comment l'évolution a forgé notre psychologie (Odile Jacob, 2019)
with Jérôme Boutang
The Biased Mind. How Evolution Shaped our Psychology. Including Anecdotes and Tips for Making Sound Decisions (2015)
with Jérôme Boutang
Stochastic Multi-Stage Optimization. At the Crossroads between Discrete Time Stochastic Control and Stochastic Programming (Springer-Verlag, 2015)
with Pierre Carpentier, Jean-Philippe Chancelier, Guy Cohen
Control Theory for Engineers. A primer (Springer-Verlag, 2013)
with Brigitte d'Andréa-Novel
Sustainable Management of Natural Resources. Mathematical Models and Methods (Springer-Verlag, 2008)
with Luc Doyen

Mail: CERMICS - ENPC, 6 et 8 avenue Blaise Pascal
Cité Descartes - Champs sur Marne
77455 Marne la Vallée Cedex 2, France

Updated 7 November 2024