Table of Contents
- abort - interrupt evaluation.
- ans - answer
- backslash - (\) left matrix division.
- bool2s - convert boolean matrix to a zero one matrix.
- boolean - Scilab Objects, boolean variables and operators & | ~
- brackets - ([,]) left and right brackets
- break - keyword to interrupt loops
- call - Fortran or C user routines call
- case - keyword used in select
- clearglobal - kills global variables
- clear - kills variables
- colon - (:) colon operator
- comma - (,) column, instruction, argument separator
- comments - comments
- continue - keyword to pass control to the next
iteration of a loop
- date - Current date as date string
- debug - debugging level
- definedfields - return index of list's defined fields
- dot - (.) symbol
- elseif - keyword in if-then-else
- else - keyword in if-then-else
- empty - ([]) empty matrix
- end - end keyword
- equal - (=) affectation, comparison equal sign
- errcatch - error trapping
- errclear - error clearing
- error - error messages
- evstr - evaluation of expressions
- execstr - execute Scilab code in strings
- exec - script file execution
- exists - checks variable existence
- exit - Ends the current Scilab session
- external - Scilab Object, external function or routine
- extraction - matrix and list entry extraction
- feval - multiple evaluation
- find - find indices of boolean vector or matrix true elements
- format - number printing and display format
- fort - Fortran or C user routines call
- for - language keyword for loops
- funptr - coding of primitives ( wizard stuff )
- getdate - get date and time information
- getenv - get the value of an environment variable
- getfield - list field extraction
- getpid - get Scilab process identificator
- getversion - get Scilab version name
- global - Define global variable
- gstacksize - set/get scilab global stack size
- hat - (^) exponentiation
- host - Unix or DOS command execution
- hypermatrices - Scilab object, N dimensional matrices in Scilab
- hypermat - initialize an N dimensional matrices
- iconvert - conversion to 1 or 4 byte integer representation
- ieee - set floating point exception mode
- ifthenelse - conditional execution
- insertion - partial variable assignation
or modification
- intppty - set interface argument passing properties
- inttype - type integers used in integer data types
- inv_coeff - build a polynomial matrix from its coefficients
- iserror - error occurence test
- isglobal - check if a variable is global
- lasterror - get last recorded error message
- left - ([) left bracket
- less - (<) lower than comparison
- list - Scilab object and list function definition
- lsslist - Scilab linear state space function definition
- lstcat - list concatenation
- matrices - Scilab object, matrices in Scilab
- matrix - reshape a vector or a matrix to a different size matrix
- mlist - Scilab object, matrix oriented typed list definition.
- mode - select a mode in exec file
- mtlb_mode - switch Matlab like operations
- names - scilab names syntax
- null - delete an element in a list
- overloading - display, functions and operators overloading capabilities
- parents - ( ) left and right parenthesis
- pause - pause mode, invoke keyboard
- percent - (%) special character
- plus - (+) addition operator
- poly - polynomial definition
- power - power operation (^,.^)
- predef - variable protection
- pwd - print Scilab current directory
- quit - decrease the pause level or exit
- quote - (') transpose operator, string delimiter
- rational - Scilab objects, rational in Scilab
- resume - return or resume execution and copy some local variables
- return - return or resume execution and copy some local variables
- rlist - Scilab rational fraction function definition
- sciargs - scilab command line arguments
- select - select keyword
- semicolon - (;) ending expression and row separator
- semi - (;) instruction and row separator
- setfield - list field insertion
- slash - (/) right division and feed back
- stacksize - set scilab stack size
- star - (*) multiplication operator
- symbols - scilab operator names
- testmatrix - generate some particular matrices
- then - keyword in if-then-else
- tilda - (~) logical not
- tlist - Scilab object and typed list definition.
- typename - associates a name to variable type
- type - variable type
- user - interfacing a Fortran or C routine
- varn - symbolic variable of a polynomial
- what - list the Scilab primitives
- whereami - display current instruction calling tree
- whereis - name of library containing a function
- where - get current instruction calling tree
- while - while keyword
- whos - listing of variables in long form
- who_user - listing of user's variables
- who - listing of variables