
check_io — Checks and sets Scicos block port numbers.

Calling sequence



model : Scicos model data structure (see scicos_model)
graphics : Scicos graphics data structure (see scicos_graphics)
in : vector of regular input port sizes. Set in=[] in no regular input port
out : vector of regular output port sizes. Set out=[] in no regular output port
clkin : vector of event input port sizes. Set clkin=[] in no event input port
clkout : vector of event output port sizes. Set clkout=[] in no event output port
ok : boolean, %t if specified input/output have been correctly set. %f if specified input/output cannot be taken into account.


This function is to be called when number of regular or event input or output ports is modified. It check if it is possible (connected ports cannot suppressed) and updates model and graphics block substructures. in, out, clkin, clkout are the vectors of port sizes for respectively the regular inputs, regular outputs, event inputs and event outputs.

Negative values in in or out vector means that corresponding ports dimension are to be determined by the context. Two equal negative values means that corresponding ports have same size.

See also

scicos_block, scicos_model, scicos_graphics