Scilab Reference Manual |
drawnow — draw hidden graphics entities.
drawnow() drawnow(h) drawnow("all")
This function can be used to draw the hidden graphics entities and all its chidren,their Visibility property is set to "on" . The handle given as argument correspond to an axes entity. Without any argument drawnow draws the current axes and makes all its children visibles. With the option "all", the current figure and all its children graphics entities will be visibles.
It can specially be used with the drawlater function.
set("figure_style","new") // select entity based graphics f=get("current_figure") // handle of the current figure drawlater(); subplot(221); t=1:10;plot2d(t,t.^2) subplot(222); x=0:1:7;plot2d(x,cos(x),2) subplot(234); plot2d(t,cos(t),3); subplot(235); plot2d(x,sin(2*x),5); subplot(236); plot2d(t,tan(2*t)); drawnow(); drawnow(f.children([3 4])); drawnow("all");
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