
graph-list — description of graph list


A graph in Scilab is represented by a Scilab typed list. We call it a graph list.

You will find below the complete description of the list. Each element is described by one or more lines. The first line gives the name of the element and its definition. Additional informations, such as the default for elements that can have one, are given in the other lines. Indeed, only the 5 first elements must have a value in the list, all the others can be given the empty vector [] as a value, and then the default is used when it is needed by functions or by the Metanet window. For instance, you can define a graph list by


which is the simplest graph you can create in Metanet (it is directed, has one node and one loop arc on this node).

The name of the element in the list is very important because it is used to access the elements of the list. For instance, if g is a graph list, to get the name of the graph, you only have to do:



and if you want to change the name of the graph to 'toto', you have to do:



Moreover, you can get the number of edges and the number of arcs of the graph by using edge_number(g) and arc_number(g) (these names do not correspond to elements of the list). For compatibility, node_number(g) can also be used instead of g('node_number') or g.node_number.

A graph list can be syntactically correct but not represent a good graph. You can use the function check_graph to check it. Moreover it is a good idea to give nodes different names. In fact, this does not give errors in Scilab, but strange behaviour can appear when using the Metanet window. This is not checked by check_graph because it is time consuming. It is only checked when loading, saving or showing a graph.

The elements of a graph list are given below:

name:- the name of the graph
-it is a string with a maximum of 80 characters
directed:- flag giving the type of the graph
-it is equal to 1 (graph directed) or equal to 0 (graph undirected)
node_number:- number of nodes
tail:- row vector of the tail node numbers
head:- row vector of the head node numbers
node_name:- row vector of node names
-the names of the nodes must be different
-default is the node numbers as node names
node_type:- row vector of the node types
-the type is an integer from 0 to 2, default is 0 (plain node):
-0 = plain node
-1 = sink node
-2 = source node
node_x:- row vector of the x coordinate of the nodes
-default is computed
node_y:- row vector of the y coordinate of the nodes
-default is computed
node_color:- row vector of the node colors
-the color is an integer from 0 to 16, default is 0 (default foreground):
-0 = default foreground
-1 = navyblue
-2 = blue
-3 = skyblue
-4 = aquamarine
-5 = forestgreen
-6 = green
-7 = lightcyan
-8 = cyan
-9 = orange
-10 = red
-11 = magenta
-12 = violet
-13 = yellow
-14 = gold
-15 = beige
-16 = background
node_diam:- row vector of the size of the node diameters in pixels
-a node is drawn as a circle
-default is the value of element default_node_diam
node_border:- row vector of the size of the node borders in pixels
-a node is drawn as a circle
-default is the value of element default_node_border
node_font_size:- row vector of the size of the font used to draw the name of the node
-you can choose 8, 10, 12, 14, 18 or 24
-default is the value of element default_font_size
node_demand:- row vector of the node demands
-default is 0
edge_name:- row vector of the edge names
-it is better that the names of the edges are different, but this is not an error
-default is the edge numbers as edge names
edge_color:- row vector of the edge colors
-the color is an integer from 0 to 16 (see node_color)
-default is 0 (default foreground)
edge_width:- row vector of the size of the edge widths in pixels
-default is the value of element default_edge_width
edge_hi_width:- row vector of the size of the highlighted edge widths in pixels
-default is the value of element default_edge_hi_width
edge_font_size:- row vector of the size of the fonts used to draw the name of the edge
-you can choose 8, 10, 12, 14, 18 or 24
-default is the value of element default_font_size
edge_length:- row vector of the edge lengths
-default is 0
edge_cost:- row vector of the edge costs
-default is 0
edge_min_cap:- row vector of the edge minimum capacities
-default is 0
edge_max_cap:- row vector of the edge maximum capacities
-default is 0
edge_q_weight:- row vector of the edge quadratic weights
-default is 0
edge_q_orig:- row vector of the edge quadratic origins
-default is 0
edge_weight:- row vector of the edge weights
-default is 0
default_node_diam:- default size of the node diameters of the graph
-default is 20 pixels
default_node_border:- default size of the node borders of the graph
-default is 2 pixels
default_edge_width:- default size of the edge widths of the graph
-default is 1 pixel
default_edge_hi_width:- default size of the highlighted edge widths of the graph
-default is 3 pixels
default_font_size:- default size of the font used to draw the names of nodes and edges
-default is 12
node_label:- row vector of node labels
edge_label:- row vector of edge labels



See also

arc_number, check_graph, edge_number, glist, make_graph, node_number