
leastsq — Solves non-linear least squaresproblems

Calling sequence

[f,xopt]=leastsq([imp,] fun [,Dfun],x0)  
[f,[xopt,[gradopt]]]=leastsq(fun [,Dfun],[contr],x0,['algo'],[df0,[mem]],  


imp : scalar argument used to set the trace mode. imp=0 nothing (execpt errors) is reported, imp=1 initial and final reports, imp=2 adds a report per iteration, imp>2 add reports on linear search. Warning, most of these reports are written on the Scilab standard output.
fun : external, i.e Scilab function or string (fun is the function defining the least square probleme: see below.
x0 : real vector (initial value of variable to be minimized).
f : value of optimal least square value.
xopt : best value of x found.
contr : 'b',binf,bsup with binf and bsup real vectors with same dimension as x0. binf and bsup are lower and upper bounds on x.
algo : A string with possible values :'qn' or 'gc' or 'nd' . This string stands for quasi-Newton (default), conjugate gradient or non-differentiable respectively. Note that 'nd' does not accept bounds on x ).
df0 : real scalar. Guessed decreasing of f at first iteration. (df0=1 is the default value).
mem : integer, number of variables used to approximate the Hessian, (algo='gc' or 'nd'). Default value is around 6.

: sequence of optional parameters controlling the convergence of the algorithm. stop= 'ar',nap, [iter [,epsg [,epsf [,epsx]]]]

"ar" : reserved keyword for stopping rule selection defined as follows:
nap : maximum number of calls to fun allowed.
iter : maximum number of iterations allowed.
epsg : threshold on gradient norm.
epsf : threshold controlling decreasing of f
epsx : threshold controlling variation of x. This vector (possibly matrix) of same size as x0 can be used to scale x.
"in" : reserved keyword for initialization of parameters used when fun in given as a Fortran routine (see below).
gradopt : gradient of fun at xopt


Non-linear optimization routine for programs without constraints or with bound constraints:

min sum(f(x)).^2 w.r.t x, Here, f is a function from R^n to R^m which returns f(x), a real vector ( value of function at x).


gives the definition of the function f(x). It is an "external" i.e function, or list or C or Fortran routine (see "external").

This external must return a vector y such as (y(j)=f(x)) for a given x.

Iffun is a Scilab function, the calling sequence for fun must be: y=fun(x, [optional parameters])

fun is defined by a Fortran or C routine first argument must be a list: list(fun_name,m,p1,..pl)

fun_name is then a character string, it refers to the name of the routine which must be linked to Scilab. Here, the generic calling sequences are:

In Fortran

          subroutine fun(n,m,x,td,y)
          integer n,m
          double precision x(n), td(*), y(m)

In C

          void fun(int *n,int *m, double *x,double *params, double *y)

n is the dimension of vector x , m is the dimension of vectory, td is a vector which contains the parameters p1,..pl


Gives the definition of the function df(x)/dx. It is an "external".This external must return a matrix g such as (g(i,j)=dfi/dxj) for a given x.

IfDfun is a function, the calling sequence for fun must be: g=Dfun(x, [optional parameters]) .

Dfun is defined by a Fortran or C routine first argument must be a list: list(fun_name,m,...)

fun_name is a character string, it refers to the name of the routine which must be linked to Scilab. This function has the same calling sequence as fun



[f,xopt]=leastsq(fun,x0)      //Simplest call
xopt-a\b  //compare with linear algebra solution

[f,xopt]=leastsq(fun,dfun,x0)      //specify gradient

[f,xopt]=leastsq(list(fun,[1 2;3 4],[1;2]),x0)    


[f,xopt]=leastsq(list(fun,[1 2;3 4],[1;2]),x0)  

See also

external, quapro, linpro