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mesh2d — triangulation of n points in the plane
[nutr,A] = mesh2d(x,y,[front])
x | : real row array |
y | : real row array |
front | : integer row array |
nutr | : integer matrix |
A | : sparse 0-1 matrix |
The arrays x and y are the coordinates of n points in the plane. mesh2d returns a matrix nutr(3,nbt) of the numbers of the nodes of the nbt triangles of the triangulation of the points. It returns also a sparse matrix A representing the connections between the nodes (A(i,j)=1 if (i,j) is a side of one of the triangles or i=j). In the case of 3 parameters front is the array defining the boundary: it is the array of the indices of the points located on the boundary . The boundary is defined such that the normal to the boundary is oriented towards outside. The boundary is given by its connected components: a component is the part (i1,i2) such that front(i1)=front(i2) (the external boundary is defined in the counterclockwise way, see the examples below). The error cases are the following: err = 0 if no errors were encountered; err = 3 all nodes are collinear.
If the boundary is given, the other error cases are: err = 2 some points are identical; err = 5 wrong boundary array; err = 6 crossed boundary; err = 7 wrong orientation of the boundary; err = 10 an interior point is on the boundary; err = 8 size limitation; err = 9 crossed boundary; err = 12 some points are identical or size limitation.
// FIRST CASE theta=0.025*[1:40]*2.*%pi; x=1+cos(theta); y=1.+sin(theta); theta=0.05*[1:20]*2.*%pi; x1=1.3+0.4*cos(theta); y1=1.+0.4*sin(theta); theta=0.1*[1:10]*2.*%pi; x2=0.5+0.2*cos(theta); y2=1.+0.2*sin(theta); x=[x x1 x2]; y=[y y1 y2]; // nu=mesh2d(x,y); nbt=size(nu,2); jj=[nu(1,:)' nu(2,:)';nu(2,:)' nu(3,:)';nu(3,:)' nu(1,:)']; as=sparse(jj,ones(size(jj,1),1)); ast=tril(as+abs(as'-as)); [jj,v,mn]=spget(ast); n=size(x,2); g=make_graph('foo',0,n,jj(:,1)',jj(:,2)'); g('node_x')=300*x; g('node_y')=300*y; g('default_node_diam')=10; show_graph(g) // SECOND CASE !!! NEEDS x,y FROM FIRST CASE x3=2.*rand(1:200); y3=2.*rand(1:200); wai=((x3-1).*(x3-1)+(y3-1).*(y3-1)); ii=find(wai >= .94); x3(ii)=[];y3(ii)=[]; wai=((x3-0.5).*(x3-0.5)+(y3-1).*(y3-1)); ii=find(wai <= 0.055); x3(ii)=[];y3(ii)=[]; wai=((x3-1.3).*(x3-1.3)+(y3-1).*(y3-1)); ii=find(wai <= 0.21); x3(ii)=[];y3(ii)=[]; xnew=[x x3];ynew=[y y3]; fr1=[[1:40] 1];fr2=[[41:60] 41];fr2=fr2($:-1:1); fr3=[[61:70] 61];fr3=fr3($:-1:1); front=[fr1 fr2 fr3]; // nu=mesh2d(xnew,ynew,front); nbt=size(nu,2); jj=[nu(1,:)' nu(2,:)';nu(2,:)' nu(3,:)';nu(3,:)' nu(1,:)']; as=sparse(jj,ones(size(jj,1),1)); ast=tril(as+abs(as'-as)); [jj,v,mn]=spget(ast); n=size(xnew,2); g=make_graph('foo',0,n,jj(:,1)',jj(:,2)'); g('node_x')=300*xnew; g('node_y')=300*ynew; g('default_node_diam')=10; show_graph(g) // REGULAR CASE !!! NEEDS PREVIOUS CASES FOR x,y,front xx=0.1*[1:20]; yy=xx.*.ones(1,20); zz= ones(1,20).*.xx; x3=yy;y3=zz; wai=((x3-1).*(x3-1)+(y3-1).*(y3-1)); ii=find(wai >= .94); x3(ii)=[];y3(ii)=[]; wai=((x3-0.5).*(x3-0.5)+(y3-1).*(y3-1)); ii=find(wai <= 0.055); x3(ii)=[];y3(ii)=[]; wai=((x3-1.3).*(x3-1.3)+(y3-1).*(y3-1)); ii=find(wai <= 0.21); x3(ii)=[];y3(ii)=[]; xnew=[x x3];ynew=[y y3]; nu=mesh2d(xnew,ynew,front); nbt=size(nu,2); jj=[nu(1,:)' nu(2,:)';nu(2,:)' nu(3,:)';nu(3,:)' nu(1,:)']; as=sparse(jj,ones(size(jj,1),1)); ast=tril(as+abs(as'-as)); [jj,v,mn]=spget(ast); n=size(xnew,2); g=make_graph('foo',0,n,jj(:,1)',jj(:,2)'); g('node_x')=300*xnew; g('node_y')=300*ynew; g('default_node_diam')=3; show_graph(g) //An example with a random set of points function []=test(X,Y) Tr=mesh2d(X,Y); plot2d(X,Y,[-1,-2,3]); [m,n]=size(Tr); xpols= matrix(X(Tr),m,n); ypols= matrix(Y(Tr),m,n); xset("colormap",rand(2*n,3)); xfpolys(xpols,ypols,[n/4:n/4+n-1]); endfunction N=1000;xbasc();X=rand(1,N); Y=rand(1,N); xset("wdim",700,700); test(X,Y); xset('default');
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