
mps2linpro — convert lp problem given in MPS format to linpro format

Calling sequence

lp = mps2linpro(mps)  
[p,C,b,ci,cs,mi] = mps2linpro(mps)  


mps : either a character string, path of the MPS file, or an mps data structure returned by readmps

: a linpro data tlist with following fields:

p : real (column) vector (dimension n)
C : real matrix (dimension (mi + md) x n) (If no constraints are given, you can set C = [])
b : RHS vector (dimension 1 x (mi + md))
ci : (column) vector of lower-bounds (dimension n). If there are no lower bound constraints, put ci = []. If some components of x are bounded from below, set the other (unconstrained) values of ci to a very large negative number (e.g. ci(j) = -(% eps)^(-1).
cs : (column) vector of upper-bounds. (Same remarks as above).
mi : number of equality constraints (i.e. C(1:mi,:)*x = b(1:mi))


mps2linpro forms Linear programing data compatible with linpro out of MPS data format.

See also

linpro, readmps