
size — size of objects

Calling sequence

y=size(x [,sel])  


x : matrix (including transfer matrix) or list or linear system (syslin)
y : 1x2 integer vector or integer number
sel : a scalar or a character string
nr,nc : two integers


Applied to :a matrix (constant, polynomial, string, boolean, rational) x, with only one lhs argument size returns a 1x2 vector [number of rows, number of columns]. Called with LHS=2, returns nr,nc = [number of rows, number of columns]. sel may be used to specify what dimension to get:
1 or 'r': to get the number of rows
2 or 'c': to get the number of columns
'*': to get the product of rows and column numbers
Applied to:a list it returns the number of elements. In this case only y=size(x) syntax can be used
Applied to:

a linear system, y=size(x) returns in y the (row) vector [number of outputs, number if inputs] i.e. the dimension of the corresponding transfer matrix. The syntax [nr,nc]=size(x) is also valid (with (nr,nc)=(y(1),y(2)). If x is a linear system in state-space form, then [nr,nc,nx]=size(x) returns in addition the dimension nx of the A matrix of x.

label='Applied to:'> an hypermatrix y=size(x) returns the vector of hypermatrix dimensions. [n1,n2,...nn]=size(x) returns the hypermatrix dimensions. ni=size(x,i) returns the ith dimension and size(x,'*') returns the product of dimensions.



See also

length, syslin