BackgroundColor | [1,3] real vector or string Background color of the uicontrol. A color is specified as Red, Green and Blue values. Those values are real in [ 0,1]. The color can be given as a real vector, ie [R,G,B] or a string where each value is separated by a |, ie "R|G|B" |
callback | string String evaluated by the scilab interpreter when an usicontrol is activated. (for example when you click on a button). |
fontangle | string : {'normal'} | italic | oblique For a control containing some text, this property sets the slant of the font. |
fontsize | real For a control containing some text, this property sets the size of the font in FontUnits. |
fontunits | string : {points} | pixels | normalized For a control containing some text, this property sets the units with which the fontsize is specified. |
fontweight | string : light | {normal} | demi | bold For a control containing some text, this property sets the weight of the used font |
ListboxTop | integer For a ListBox, this property tells which item of the list appears on the first line of the visible area of the list. |
Max | scalar Specifies the largest value the 'value' property can be set to. It has however differnet meaning on each uicontrol: |
o | Check Boxes : Max is the value the 'value' property take when control is checked |
o | Silders : Maximinum value of the slider |
o | List boxes : if (Max-Min)>1 the list allows multiple selection, Otherwise not. |
Min | scalar Specifies the lowest value the 'value' property can be set to. It has however differnet meaning on each uicontrol: |
o | Check Boxes : Min is the value the 'value' property take when control is unchecked |
o | Silders : Mininum value of the slider |
o | List boxes : if (Max-Min)>1 the list allows multiple selection, Otherwise not. |
Parent | integer Handle of the control parent. Changing this property allows to move a control from a figure to another. |
Position | [1,4] real vector or string This property is used to set or get the geometrical configuration of a control. It is a real; vector : x y w h where the letters stand for the x location of the left bottom corner, the y location of the left bottom corner, the width and the height of the uicontrol. The unit is determined by the 'Unit' property. One can also set this property by giving a string where the fields are separated by a '|', ie "x|y|w|h". |
SliderStep | [1,2] real vector or string small big This property represents the step a slider is moved when the user click on the arrow (small step) or on the slide bar (big step). |
String | string Generally, this property represents the text appearing in a uicontrol. Its exact meaning sometimes depends on the uicontrol style: |
o | List Boxes, Popup Menu the value can be a vector of string or a string where the items are separated by a '|'. |
Style | string : {pushbutton} | radiobutton | checkbox | edit | text | slider | frame |listbox | popupmenu Style of the uicontrol. Here is a short description of each one: |
o | pushbutton A rectangular button generally used to run a callback. |
o | radiobutton A button whith to states : on or off. |
o | checkbox a small uicontrol that have to state : on or off |
o | edit an editable string control |
o | text a text control (generally static). |
o | slider a scale control, that is a scrollbar use to set values between in range with the mouse. |
o | frame a control representing a zone used to group of related controls. |
o | listbox a control representing a list of item that can be scrolled. The item can be selected with the mouse. |
o | popupmenu a button which make a menu appear when clicked. |
Tag | string this property is generally used to identify the control. It allows to give it a "name". Mainly used in conjontion with findobj(). |
Units | string : {points} | pixels | normalized Set the units used to specify the 'position' property. |
Userdata | scilab object this can be used to associate any scilab object to an uicontrol. |
Value | Value of the uicontrol. The eact meaning depends on the style of the uicontrol. |
o | Check boxes, Radio buttons value is set to Max (see above) when on and Min when off. |
o | List Boxes, Popu Menu value is a vector of indexes corresponding to the index of the selected entry in the list. 1 is the first item of the list. |
o | Sliders value indicated by the slider bar. |