
xmltohtml — converts xml Scilab help files to html

Calling sequence

xmltohtml(dirs [,titles [,xsl [,step]]])


dirs: vector of strings: a set of directory paths for which html manuals are to be generated or []
titles: vector of strings: titles associated to directory paths or []
xsl: string, name of xsl file used for translation
step: string, should be "whatis", "index", "html","contents", or "all"


converts xml Scilab help files contained in a set of directories into html files.

In a first step ("whatis") a whatis.htm file is generated in each directory using information given in the "SHORT_DESCRIPTION" tag of each xml file and the given title.

In a second step ("index") the tags LINK are analysed, and xmltohtml tries to resolve the references using the already known help files defined in the %helps variable.

The third step ("html") it translates the xml file to html using external program xsltproc and the given xsl file which should be located in SCIDIR/man/LANGUAGE/ The generated html files are located together with the corresponding xml ones.

the last step ("contents") produces a contents.xml file

if dirs is [] then already defined help directories (see %helps(:,1)) are assumed and titles are searched in %helps(:,2). So xmltohtml([]) updates currents html files

See also

help, help_skeleton