Fermer X


We consider the discrete time dynamics system in n:

x(t + 1) = f (t,x (t)), for t = t0,..,T − 1,

starting from initial state x0 n at time t 0

x (t0) = x0.

Knowing function f and (t0,x0), we are able to compute the whole sequence x(t0),x(t0 + 1),,x(T) solution of the problem.

1 Population dynamics in ecology

Consider the population dynamics

x (t + 1) = 1 + Sx (t),t0 = 1,T = 100, x(t0) = x0 = 1,

with parameters R = 1.2 and S = 0.02.

  function y=f(t,x)
    y=R*x ./(1+S*x)
  for t=t0:1:T do

Question 1 Change the population dynamics with f(t,x) = (ax)0.5 where a = 10. Compare the behavior of the solutions x(t).

2 Carbon cycle

Consider the carbon cycle

M  (t + 1) = M (t) + αEBAU  (t)(1 − a) − δ(M (t) − M −∞ ),

starting from initial conditions M0 = 354 (ppm) at year t0 = 1990 with time horizon T = 100. The parameters are α = 0.471, preindustrial concentration M−∞ = 280, removal rate δ = 0.01. It is assumed that the ”business as usual” CO2 emissions path is

E    (t) = E    (t )(1 + g)t−t0 (GtC )
 BAU         BAU  0
with the emissions growth set to g = 1% and initial emissions to EBAU(1990) = 7.2 (GtC).

  function y=EBAU(t)
  function y=f(t,M)
  for t=t0:1:T do
  plot2d(t0:T+1,x(t0:T+1),rect = [t0,0,T+1,1000])

Question 2 Change the mitigation rate a (a [0, 1]) to compare the behavior of the concentrations profile M(t).

3 An ecosystem

We consider two populations x1(t),x2(t) interacting within a trophic web. The dynamics based on a Lotka-Volterra form is characterized by

  x1(t + 1)  =  x1 (t)(1 + r1 − q1x2 (t))
  x2(t + 1)  =  x2 (t)(1 − d2 + q2x1(t))

where r1 > 0 is the intrinsic growth of prey while d2 > 0 is the intrinsic decrease of predator. Parameters q1 > 0,q2 > 0 are related to the catchability and efficiency of trophic relations.

  function y=f(t,x)
    y_1=x_1 .*(1+r_1-q_1*x_2);
    y_2=x_2 .*(1-d_2+q_2*x_1);
  for t=t0:1:T do

Question 3 Change parameters r,d or q to compare the behavior of the populations (x1(t),x2(t)).

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