Michel DE LARA
CERMICS, École des Ponts ParisTech, France
For the BibTeX references of the books and the papers below, just load this BibTeX file
[] Jean-Philippe Chancelier, Michel De Lara, A Unified View of Polarity for Functions. In Journal of Convex Analysis, accepted for publication, Volume 32, 2025. HAL arXiv
[] Seta Rakotomandimby, Jean-Philippe Chancelier, Michel De Lara, Mathieu Blondel. Learning with Fitzpatrick Losses. In Neurips 2024 arXiv
[] Jean-Philippe Chancelier, Michel De Lara, Pierre Carpentier, Cyrille Vessaire, Alejandro Rodríguez-Martínez. Complexity Bounds for Deterministic Partially Observed Markov Decision Processes. In Annals of Operations Research, accepted for publication, 2024. HAL arXiv
[] Tristan Rigaut, Pierre Carpentier, Jean-Philippe Chancelier, Michel De Lara. Decomposition Methods for Monotone Two-Time-Scale Stochastic Optimization Problems. In Computational Management Science, Volume 21, Number 28, 2024. HAL arXiv
[] Pierre Carpentier, Jean-Philippe Chancelier, Michel De Lara, Time Consistency for Multistage Stochastic Optimization Problems under Constraints in Expectation. In SIAM Journal on Optimization, accepted for publication, 2024. HAL arXiv
[] François Pacaud, Pierre Carpentier, Jean-Philippe Chancelier, Michel De Lara. Optimization of a domestic microgrid equipped with solar panel and battery: Model Predictive Control and Stochastic Dual Dynamic Programming approaches. In Energy Systems, Volume 15, Pages 115–139, 2024. HAL arXiv SharedIt
[] Vincent Martinet, Pedro Gajardo, Michel De Lara, Bargaining On Monotonic Social Choice Environments. In Theory and Decision, accepted for publication, 2023.
[] Michel De Lara, Duality Between Lagrangians and Rockafellians. In Journal of Convex Analysis, accepted for publication, 2023. HAL arXiv
[] Pierre Carpentier, Jean-Philippe Chancelier, Michel De Lara, Thomas Martin, Tristan Rigaut. Time Block Decomposition of Multistage Stochastic Optimization Problems. In Journal of Convex Analysis, accepted for publication, 2023. HAL arXiv
[] Adrien Le Franc, Pierre Carpentier, Jean-Philippe Chancelier, Michel De Lara. EMSx: A Numerical Benchmark for Energy Management Systems. In Energy Systems, Volume 14, Pages 817–843, 2023. HAL arXiv
Adrien Le Franc, Jean-Philippe Chancelier, Michel De Lara.
The Capra-subdifferential of the pseudonorm.
In Optimization,
Volume 73, Number 4, Pages 1229–1251, 2023.
[] Cyrille Vessaire, Jean-Philippe Chancelier, Michel de Lara, Pierre Carpentier, Alejandro Rodríguez-Martínez, Anna Robert, Multistage Optimization of a Petroleum Production System with Material Balance Model. In Computers and Chemical Engineering, Volume 167, Pages 108005, November 2022. HAL arXiv
Jean-Philippe Chancelier, Michel De Lara,
Orthant-Strictly Monotonic Norms, Generalized Top-k and k-Support Norms and the
In Journal of Convex Analysis,
accepted for publication, 2022.
[] Benjamin Heymann, Michel De Lara, Jean-Philippe Chancelier. Kuhn's Equivalence Theorem for Games in Product Form. In Games and Economic Behavior, Volume 135, Pages 220-240, September 2022. HAL arXiv
[] Michel De Lara, Jean-Baptiste Hiriart-Urruty. A Fresh Geometrical Look at the General S-Procedure. In Optimization Letters, Volume 16, No. 4, pp 1129–1135, May, 2022. HAL arXiv
[] François Pacaud, Pierre Carpentier, Jean-Philippe Chancelier, Michel De Lara. Distributed Multistage Optimization of Large-Scale Microgrids under Stochasticity. In IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Volume 37, No. 1, pp 204–211, 2022. HAL arXiv
Jean-Philippe Chancelier, Michel De Lara.
Constant Along Primal Rays Conjugacies and the Pseudonorm.
In Optimization,
Volume 71, No. 2, pp 355–386, 2022.
Jean-Philippe Chancelier, Michel De Lara.
Capra-Convexity, Convex Factorization and Variational Formulations for the Pseudonorm.
In Set-Valued and Variational Analysis,
Volume 30, pp 597–619, 2022.
[] Jean-Philippe Chancelier, Michel De Lara, Benoît Tran. Minimization Interchange Theorem on Posets. In Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Volume 509, No. 1, 2022. HAL arXiv
Jean-Philippe Chancelier, Michel De Lara.
Hidden Convexity in the Pseudonorm.
In Journal of Convex Analysis,
Volume 28, No. 1, pp 203–236, 2021.
[] M. De Lara, P. Gajardo, D. Vicencio. Comparison Theorem for Viability Kernels via Conic Preorders. In Systems and Control Letters, Volume 145, November 2020. HAL arXiv
[] Pierre Carpentier, Jean-Philippe Chancelier, Michel De Lara, François Pacaud. Mixed Spatial and Temporal Decompositions for Large-Scale Multistage Stochastic Optimization Problems. In Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Volume 186, Number 3, September 2020. HAL arXiv
[] Henri Gérard, Michel De Lara, Jean-Philippe Chancelier. Equivalence Between Time Consistency and Nested Formula. In Annals of Operations Research, Volume 292, pp 627–647, 2020. HAL arXiv
[] Michel De Lara, Olivier Gossner. Payoffs-Beliefs Duality and the Value of Information. In SIAM Journal on Optimization, Volume 30, Issue 1, pp 464–489, 2020. HAL arXiv
[] Martin Quaas, Stefan Baumgaertner, Michel De Lara. Insurance Value of Natural Capital. In Ecological Economics, Volume 165, pp 106388, November 2019.
[] Lilian Sofia Sepulveda Salcedo, Michel De Lara. Robust Viability Analysis of a Controlled Epidemiological Model. In Theoretical Population Biology, Volume 126, pp 51–58, April 2019. HAL arXiv
[] Jean-Philippe Chancelier, Michel De Lara. Fenchel-Moreau Conjugation Inequalities with Three Couplings and Application to the Stochastic Bellman Equation. In Journal of Convex Analysis, Volume 26, pp 945–966, 2019. HAL arXiv
[] Tristan Rigaut, Pierre Carpentier, Jean-Philippe Chancelier, Michel De Lara, Julien Waeytens. Stochastic Optimization of Braking Energy Storage and Ventilation in a Subway Station. In IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Volume 34, Issue 2, pp 1256–1263, March 2019. HAL arXiv
[] Michel De Lara. A Mathematical Framework for Resilience: Dynamics, Uncertainties, Strategies and Recovery Regimes. In Environmental Modeling & Assessment, Volume 23, Issue 6, pp 703–712, December 2018. HAL arXiv
[] Laura E. Dee, Michel De Lara, Christopher Costello, Steven D. Gaines. To what extent can ecosystem services motivate protecting biodiversity?. In Ecology Letters, Volume 20, Issue 8, pp 935–946, 2017.
[2018 Award by Ecological Society of America for Innovation in Sustainability Science ]
[] Jean-Christophe Alais, Pierre Carpentier, Michel De Lara. Multi-usage hydropower single dam management: chance-constrained optimization and stochastic viability. In Energy Systems, Volume 8, Issue 1, pp 7–30, February 2017. HAL
[] Michel De Lara, Lilian Sofia Sepulveda Salcedo. Viable Control of an Epidemiological Model. In Mathematical Biosciences, Volume 280, pp 24–37, 2016. HAL arXiv
[] Vincent Martinet, Julio Peña-Torres, Michel De Lara, Hector Ramirez Cabrera. Risk and Sustainability: Assessing Fishery Management Strategies. In Environmental and Resource Economics, Volume 64, Issue 4, pp 683–707, August 2016. ResearchGate
[] Michel De Lara, Vincent Leclère. Building Up Time-Consistency for Risk Measures and Dynamic Optimization. In European Journal of Operations Research, Volume 249, Issue 1, pp 177–187, 2016. HAL
[] Esther Regnier, Michel De Lara. Robust Viable Analysis of a Harvested Ecosystem Model. In Environmental Modeling & Assessment, Volume 20, Issue 6, pp 687–698, 2015. HAL
[] Michel De Lara, Vincent Martinet, Luc Doyen. Satisficing Versus Optimality: Criteria for Sustainability. In Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, Volume 77, Issue 2, pp 281–297, February 2015. HAL
[] Michel De Lara, André de Palma, Moez Kilani and Serge Piperno. Congestion pricing and long term urban form: Application to Paris region. In Regional Science and Urban Economics, Volume 43, Number 2, pp 282–295, 2013.
[] P. Carpentier, J.-P. Chancelier, G. Cohen, M. De Lara and P. Girardeau. Dynamic Consistency for Stochastic Optimal Control Problems. In Annals of Operations Research Volume 200, Issue 1, pp 247–263, 2012. HAL arXiv
[] Michel De Lara, Eladio Ocana Anaya, Ricardo Oliveros–Ramos, Jorge Tam. Ecosystem Viable Yields. In Environmental Modeling & Assessment, Volume 17, Issue 6, pp 565–575, 2012. HAL arXiv
[] Babacar Seck, Laetitia Andrieu, Michel De Lara. Parametric multi-attribute utility functions for optimal profit under risk constraints. In Theory and Decision, Volume 72, Number 2, pp 257–271, February 2012. HAL arXiv
[] André de Palma, Moez Kilani, Michel De Lara, and Serge Piperno. Cordon pricing in the monocentric city model: theory and application to Paris region. In Louvain Economic Review, Volume 77 (2-3), pp 105–124, 2011.
[] M. De Lara, P. Gajardo, H. Ramirez. Viable states for monotone harvest models. In Systems and Control Letters, Volume 60, pp 192–197, 2011. HAL arXiv
[] L. Doyen, M. De Lara. Stochastic viability and dynamic programming. In Systems and Control Letters, Volume 59, Number 10, pp 629–634, 2010.
[] Laetitia Andrieu, Michel De Lara, Babacar Seck. Taking Risk into Account in Electricity Portfolio Management. In Steffen Rebennack, Panos M. Pardalos, Mario V.F. Pereira, Niko A. Iliadis, editors, Handbook of Power Systems 1, Series: Energy Systems. Springer Verlag, 2009.
[] M. De Lara and L. Gilotte. Precautionary effect and variations of the value of information. In Jerzy Filar and Alain Haurie, editors, Uncertainty and Environmental Decision Making, International Series in Operations Research and Management Science, Springer Verlag, Volume 138, pp 239–253, 2009.
[] M. De Lara and V. Martinet. Multi-criteria dynamic decision under uncertainty: A stochastic viability analysis and an application to sustainable fishery management. In Mathematical Biosciences, Volume 217, Issue 2, pp 118–124, February 2009.
[] P. Carpentier, J.-P. Chancelier, M. De Lara. Approximations of stochastic optimization problems subject to measurability constraints. In SIAM Journal on Optimization, Volume 19, Issue 4, pp 1719–1734, 2009.
[] J.-P. Chancelier, M. De Lara, and A. de Palma. Risk aversion in expected intertemporal discounted utilities bandit problems. In Theory and Decision, Volume 67, Issue 4, pp 433–440, 2009.
[] Luc Doyen, Michel De Lara, Jocelyne Ferraris, and Dominique Pelletier. Sustainability of exploited marine ecosystems through protected areas: a viability model and a coral reef case study. In Ecological Modelling, Volume 208(2-4), pp 353–366, November 2007.
[] M. De Lara, L. Gilotte. A tight sufficient condition for Radner-Stiglitz nonconcavity in the value of information. In Journal of Economic Theory, Volume 137(1), pp 696–708, 2007.
[] Michel De Lara, Luc Doyen, Thérèse Guilbaud, and Marie-Joëlle Rochet. Is a management framework based on spawning-stock biomass indicators sustainable? A viability approach. In ICES Journal of Marine Science, Volume 64(4), pp 761–767, 2007.
[] M. De Lara, L. Doyen, T. Guilbaud, M.-J. Rochet. Monotonicity properties for the viable control of discrete time systems. In Systems and Control Letters, Volume 56, Number 4, pp 296–302, 2007.
[] J.-P. Chancelier, M. De Lara, A. de Palma. Risk aversion, road choice and the one-armed bandit problem. In Transportation Science, 2006 Volume 41, Number 1, Pages 1-14, February 2007.
[] M. De Lara. Mum, why do you keep on growing? Impacts of environmental variability on optimal growth and reproduction allocation strategies. In Journal of Mathematical Biology, Volume 52, Number 5, Pages 633-666, May 2006.
[] M. De Lara. On drift, diffusion and geometry. In Journal of Geometry and Physics, Volume 56, Issue 8, Pages 1215-1234, August 2006.
[] K. Barty, P. Carpentier, J.-P. Chancelier, G. Cohen, M. De Lara and T. Guilbaud. Dual effect free stochastic controls. In Annals of Operations Research, Volume 142, Number 1, Pages 41 - 62, February 2006.
[] G. Constantin de Magny, C. Paroissin, B. Cazelles, M. De Lara, J.-F. Delmas, J.-F. Guégan. Modeling environmental impacts of plankton reservoirs on cholera population dynamics. In ESAIM: Proceedings, Volume 14, September 2005.
[] J.-O. Irisson, A. LeVan, M. De Lara, S. Planes. Strategies and Trajectories of Coral Reef Fish Larvae Optimizing Self-recruitment. In Journal of Theoretical Biology, Volume 227, Issue 2, Pages 205-218, 21 March 2004.