We consider a super-critical Galton-Watson tree T whose non-degenerate offspring distribution has finite mean. We consider the random trees Tn distributed as T conditioned on the n-th generation, Z(n), to be of size a(n). We identify the possible local limits of Tn as n goes to infinity according to the growth rate of a(n). In the low regime, the local limit is the Kesten tree, in the moderate regime the family of local limits, is distributed as T conditionally on {W =q}, where q>0 and W is the (non-trivial) limit of the renormalization of Z(n). In the high regime, we prove the local convergence towards a limiting tree in the Harris case (finite support of the offspring distribution) and we give a conjecture for the possible limit when the offspring distribution has some exponential moments. When the offspring distribution has a fat tail, the problem is open. The proof relies on the strong ratio theorem for Galton-Watson processes. Those latter results are new in the low regime and high regime, and they can be used to complete the description of the (space-time) Martin boundary of Galton-Watson processes. Eventually, we consider the continuity in distribution of the local limits (as a function of q).