Master 2 Mathématiques et Applications,
Parcours ANEDP
5MM21 Méthodes de Galerkin discontinues et applications
Alexandre Ern
Lectures on Wednesday from 13:30 to 16:30, room 15-25/101
The textbook for the course is:
D. A. Di Pietro and A. Ern,
Aspects of Discontinuous Galerkin Methods
vol. 69 SMAI Mathématiques et Applications,
Springer, 2012 [DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-22980-0]
It is recommended that you use the textbook (which contains more
material than the lectures and which is available
electronically from the University library).
The course can be taught in French or in English.
The planning is as follows:
- 01.02.17 Basic ingredients [Chap. 1]
- 08.02.17 Advection-reaction: centered fluxes and upwind [Chap. 2]
- 15.02.17 (Lecture by Iain Smears, INRIA) Laplacian: interior penalty [Sec. 4.1, 4.2]
- 22.02.17 (Lecture by Iain Smears, INRIA) Discrete gradients and convergence with minimal regularity [Sec. 4.3, 5.1, 5.2]
- 01.03.17 Mixed DG and hybrid methods for diffusion [Sec. 4.4]
- 08.03.17 Inf-sup condition for upwind flux and first-order
PDEs; implementation (by Matteo Cicuttin, CERMICS) [slides] [Matlab code]
- 15.03.17 Time-dependent problems [Chap. 3]
- 19.04.17 examen 13h - 16h en salle 15/25-102
Past exams