Oral presentations


  1. Sphere packing. The work of Maryna Viazovska
    Belgian Mathematical Society, Recent breakthroughs in Mathematics.. (Bruxelles (Belgium), December 2024). (pdf)
  2. Kekulé distortions in graphene
    International workshop on 2D and moiré materials. (Roscoff (France), July 2024). (pdf)
  3. Phase transition in Peierls/SSH model
    Model Systems in Quantum Mechanics. (Toulouse (France), January 2024). (pdf)
  4. Keller estimates for Dirac operators
    Many-Body Quantum Systems (Oberwolfach Workshop). (Oberwolfach (Germany), September 2023).
  5. Spectral properties of materials cut in half
    Solid Math 2022. (Trieste (Italy), September 2022). (pdf)
  6. Spectral properties of materials cut in half
    Mathematical results of many-body quantum systems. (Herrsching (Germany), June 2022). (pdf)
  7. Density Functional Theory for two-dimensional materials
    GDR NBODY. (Toulouse, January 2022). (pdf)
  8. Crystallization in Lieb-Thirring inequalities
    ICMP 2021. (Genève, August 2021). (pdf)
  9. The reduced Hartree-Fock model with self-generated magnetic fields
    Density Functionals for Many-Particle Systems. (Singapour, September 2019).
  10. Symmetry breaking in the Hartree-Fock-Dirac model
    Many-Body quantum systems. (Oberwolfach, September 2019).
  11. Symmetry breaking in the Hartree-Fock jellium
    Mean-field and other effective models in mathematical physics. (Fondation les Treilles, May 2019). (pdf)
  12. Me?thode de super-cellules pour les cristaux
    SMAI 2019. (Guidel plage, May 2019). (pdf)
  13. Symmetry breaking in the Hartree-Fock jellium
    Optimal transport methods in Density Functional Theory. (Banff, January 2019). (pdf)
  14. Spin symmetry breaking in the Hartree-Fock electron gas
    Franco-German Workshop on mathematical aspects in computational chemistry. (Aachen, September 2018). (pdf)
  15. Spin symmetry breaking in the Hartree-Fock electron gas
    Solid Math. (Montréal, August 2018). (pdf)
  16. Localised Wannier functions in metallic systems
    ICMP. (Montréal, July 2018). (pdf)
  17. Localised Wannier functions in metallic systems
    Analytical & Numerical Methods in Quantum Transport. (Aalborg, May 2018).
  18. Numerical methods for Brillouin zone integration
    Mathematical Methods in Quantum Chemistry. (Oberwolfach, March 2018). (pdf)
  19. Supercell method for the computation of energies of crystals
    2016-17 Warwick EPSRC Symposium: DFT and Beyond: Analysis and Computation. (Warwick, July 2017). (pdf)
  20. A mathematical study of the GW0 method for computing electronic excited states of molecules
    GDR DynQua. (Grenoble, February 2015). (pdf)
  21. A mathematical study of the GW0 method for computing electronic excited states of molecules
    Mathematical Methods in Quantum Molecular Dynamics. (Oberwolfach, June 2015). (pdf)
  22. Pure-state N-representability in current-spin-density-functional theory
    Fundamental Aspects of DFT. (Oslo, January 2015). (pdf)
  23. A mathematical study of the GW method: the irreducible polarizability
    Solid Math. (Trieste, June 2014). (pdf)
  24. A mathematical study of the GW method
    Theoretical and Numerical Aspects of Quantum Transport. (Aalborg, April 2014). (pdf)
  25. Existence of minimizers for Kohn-Sham within the Local Spin Density Approximation
    Mathematical and Numerical Analysis of Electronic Structure Models. (Berlin, April 2014). (pdf)
  26. N-representability in SDFT
    GDR-CoDFT. (Guidel, May 2013). (pdf)


  1. Spectral pollution, edge modes, junctions.
    Séminaire A3 du LAMFA (Amiens). (Université Picardie, December 2024).
  2. Spectral pollution, edge modes, junctions.
    Séminaire 2PMA du LAREMA. (Université Angers, December 2024).
  3. Spectral pollution, edge modes, junctions.
    Séminaire Analyse de Besançon. (Université Franche-Comté, November 2024).
  4. Inégalités fermioniques
    Séminaire Analyse de Nantes. (Université de Nantes, October 2024).
  5. Inégalités fermioniques
    GT Calva. (Université Paris-Dauphine, September 2024).
  6. Spectral properties of half-periodic systems
    LMU Seminar. (LMU Munich (Germany), June 2024). (pdf)
  7. Casse-têtes et mathématiques
    MATh.en.JEANS. (Université Paris-Dauphine, March 2024). (pdf)
  8. Le problème de Keller pour l'opérateur de Dirac
    Séminaire ANEDP. (Université Paris Saclay, November 2023).
  9. Le travail de Maryna Viazovska (Fields 2022)
    Journée CPGE-ENS. (ENS Ulm, May 2023). (pdf)
  10. Density Functional Theory for two-dimensional homogeneous materials
    Séminaire EMC2. (Sorbonne University, November 2022). (pdf)
  11. Spectral properties of materials cut in half
    MAS-MP Seminar. ((online), May 2022). (pdf)
  12. Spectral properties of materials cut in half
    Séminaire du groupe analyse du LMR. (Reims, May 2022). (pdf)
  13. Edge states in half-periodic systems
    SAM Science Slam (alumni reunion). (Zurich, November 2021). (pdf)
  14. Density Functional Theory for two-dimensional materials
    Oberseminar 'Calculus of Variations and Applications'. (Munich (online), November 2021). (pdf)
  15. La bataille d'Actium, Mythe et Maths
    Focus recherche, rentrée ENS 2021. (ENS Ulm, Septembre 2021). (pdf)
  16. N-solitons and Lieb-Thirring inequality
    Meeting ERC MDFT (M. Lewin). (Webinar (Ceremade, Paris-Dauphine), June 2021). (pdf)
  17. Edge states for second order elliptic operators
    Meeting ERC MDFT (M. Lewin). (Webinar (Ceremade, Paris-Dauphine), March 2021). (pdf)
  18. Edge states in semi materials
    Séminaire de Mathématiques. (Webinar (UPM6, Ben Guerir, Maroc), Janvier 2021). (pdf)
  19. Cristallisation in Lieb-Thirring inequality
    Séminaire Problème spectraux en Physique Mathématique. (Webinar (IHP, Paris), Octobre 2020). (pdf)
  20. Edge states in ODEs for dislocations
    Séminaire POEMS. (ENSTA (Inria, POEMS), April 2020). (pdf)
  21. Edge states in ODEs for dislocations
    Séminaire EDP et physique mathématique. (Université Paris 13 (Laga), April 2020). (pdf)
  22. The Hartree-Fock electron gas
    Séminaire ANEDP Orsay. (Université Paris-Saclay, June 2019). (pdf)
  23. The Hartree-Fock electron gas
    Oberseminar Analysis. (Munich, February 2019).
  24. Bosons, fermions et processus ponctuel
    Escapade (Ceremade). (Paris-Dauphine, December 2018). (pdf)
  25. Minnaert resonance in bubbly media
    Matinée du Ceremade. (Paris-Dauphine, January 2018). (pdf)
  26. Minnaert resonance in bubbly media
    Séminaire Pierre-Louis Lions. (Collège de France, June 2017). (pdf, video)
  27. Supercell method for the computation of energies of crystals
    Young Researchers Workshop on Mathematical Models in Quantum Chemistry. (Paris 6, January 2017). (pdf)
  28. Méthode de supercellule pour la simulation de cristaux sans/avec défauts
    Séminaire CMAP. (École Polytechnique, April 2016). (pdf)
  29. Supercell calculations for the simulation of crystals with/without defects
    Séminaire POEMS. (INRIA Saclay, February 2016).
  30. The supercell model for the simulation of crystals, with and without defects
    Séminaire équations non linéaire. (Paris 13, November 2015).
  31. An introduction to quantum chemistry: the Hartree-Fock model
    PhD seminar of Marne-la-Vallée. (ESIEE, June 2014). (pdf)
  32. Complexity of a Sudoku
    PhD seminar of CERMICS/CEREA/IMAGINE. (CERMICS, March 2014). (pdf)
  33. Representability in non-collinear spin-polarized density functional theory
    Mathematical and Numerical Analysis of Electronic Structure Models. (IHP, July 2013). (pdf)
  34. Magnetic Schrödinger operators and magnetic density functional theory
    PhD seminar of CERMICS. (CERMICS, April 2013). (pdf)