set("figure_style","new") /// @@prerequisite /// \sleftarrow{\normalfont open a new graphic window } a=get("current_axes"); /// \sleftarrow{\normalfont get a handle on the newly created axes} a.data_bounds=[-1,-1;1,1]; /// \sleftarrow{\normalfont set the boundary values {for} x and z } xrect(0,0,0.5,0.5) /// \sleftarrow{\normalfont draw a rectangle } r=get("hdl");/// \sleftarrow{\normalfont get the current node, i.e, the last created objects } r /// \sleftarrow{\normalfont \verb+r+ is a handle to a Rectangle entity } r.fill_mode="on"; /// \sleftarrow{\normalfont changing the displayed rectangle's properties } r.foreground=5; r_line_style=6;