
Graphics — graphics library overview

2d plotting

plot2d: plot a curve
plot2d2: plot a curve as step function
plot2d3: plot a curve with vertical bars
plot2d4: plot a curve with arrows
fplot2d: plot a curve defined by a function
champ: 2D vector field
champ1: 2D vector field with colored arrows
fchamp: direction field of a 2D first order ODE
contour2d: level curves of a surface on a 2D plot
fcontour2d: level curves of a surface defined by a function on a 2D plot
grayplot: 2D plot of a surface using colors
fgrayplot: 2D plot of a surface defined by a function using colors
Sgrayplot: smooth 2D plot of a surface using colors
Sfgrayplot: smooth 2D plot of a surface defined by a function using colors
xgrid: add a grid on a 2D plot
errbar: add vertical error bars on a 2D plot
histplot: plot a histogram
Matplot: 2D plot of a matrix using colors

3d plotting

plot3d: plot a surface
plot3d1: plot a surface with gray or color level
fplot3d: plot a surface defined by a function
fplot3d1: plot a surface defined by a function with gray or color level
param3d: plot one curve
param3d1: plots curves
contour: level curves on a 3D surface
fcontour: level curves on a 3D surface defined by a function
hist3d: 3D representation of a histogram
genfac3d: compute facets of a 3D surface
eval3dp: compute facets of a 3D surface
geom3d: projection from 3D on 2D after a 3D plot

Line and polygon plotting

xpoly: draw a polyline or a polygon
xpolys: draw a set of polylines or polygons
xrpoly: draw a regular polygon
xsegs: draw unconnected segments
xfpoly: fill a polygon
xfpolys: fill a set of polygons

Rectangle plotting

xrect: draw a rectangle
xfrect: fill a rectangle
xrects: draw or fill a set of rectangles

Arc plotting

xarc: draw a part of an ellipse
xarcs: draw parts of a set of ellipses
xfarc: fill a part of an ellipse
xfarcs: fill parts of a set of ellipses

Arrow plotting

xarrows: draw a set of arrows


xstring: draw strings
xstringl: compute a box which surrounds strings
xstringb: draw strings into a box
xtitle: add titles on a graphics window
titlepage: add a title in the middle of a graphics window
xinfo: draw an info string in the message subwindow

Frames and axes

xaxis: draw an axis
graduate: pretty axis graduations
plotframe: plot a frame with scaling and grids

Coordinates transformations

isoview: set scales for isometric plot (do not change the size of the window)
square: set scales for isometric plot (change the size of the window)
scaling: affine transformation of a set of points
rotate: rotation of a set of points
xsetech: set the sub-window of a graphics window for plotting
subplot: divide a graphics window into a matrix of sub-windows
xgetech: get the current graphics scale
xchange: transform real to pixel coordinates


colormap: using colormaps
getcolor: dialog to select colors in the current colormap
addcolor: add new colors to the current colormap
graycolormap: linear gray colormap
hotcolormap: red to yellow colormap

Graphics context

xset: set values of the graphics context
xget: get current values of the graphics context
xlfont: load a font in the graphics context or query loaded font
getsymbol: dialog to select a symbol and its size

Save and load

xsave: save graphics into a file
xload: load a saved graphics
xbasimp: send graphics to a Postscript printer or in a file
xs2fig: send graphics to a file in Xfig syntax
xs2gif: send graphics to a file in Gif syntax
xs2ppm: send graphics to a file in PPM syntax

Graphics primitives

xbasc: clear a graphics window and erase the associated recorded graphics
xclear: clear a graphics window
driver: select a graphics driver
xinit: initialisation of a graphics driver
xend: close a graphics session
xbasr: redraw a graphics window
replot: redraw the current graphics window with new boundaries
xpause: suspend Scilab
xselect: raise the current graphics window
xclea: erase a rectangle
xclip: set a clipping zone
xdel: delete a graphics window
winsid: return the list of graphics windows
xname: change the name of the current graphics window

Mouse position

xclick: wait for a mouse click
locate: mouse selection of a set of points
xgetmouse: get the current position of the mouse

Interactive editor

edit_curv: interactive graphics curve editor
gr_menu: simple interactives graphic editor
sd2sci: gr_menu structure to scilab instruction convertor

Graphics functions for automatic control

bode: Bode plot
gainplot: magnitude plot
nyquist: Nyquist plot
m_circle: M-circle plot
chart: Nichols chart
black: Black's diagram
evans: Evans root locus
sgrid: s-plane grid lines
plzr: pole-zero plot
zgrid: zgrid plot