
TK_SetVar — Set a tcl/tk variable value

Calling sequence

TK_SetVar(varname, value)  


varname : string character Contains the name of the tcl/tk variable to set.
value : string character Contains the value to set up in the tcl/tk variable


This routine allows to set a variable within the tcl/tk interpreter. When tcl/tk support is enabled in scilab, this routine can be used to set up the value of a tcl/tk variable. This can be useful to change some value in the tcl/tk without having to build a tcl/tk instruction (and use TK_EvalStr).


TK_EvalStr('toplevel .tst2');
// creates a toplevel TK window. 
TK_EvalStr('label .tst2.l -textvariable tvar');
// create a static label
TK_EvalStr('pack .tst2.l');
// pack the label widget. It appears on the screen.
TK_SetVar('tvar','This text has been set directly within scilab');

See also

ScilabEval, TK_EvalFile, TK_EvalStr, TK_GetVar


Bertrand Guiheneuf