
drawaxis — draw an axis

Calling sequence

// options: x,y,dir,sub_int,fontsize,format_n,seg,textcolor,ticscolor,tics  


dir=string : used to specify the tics direction. string can be chosen among 'u','r','d','l' and 'l' is the default value. the values 'u','r','d','l' stands respectively for up, right, down, left
tics=string : A flag which describes how the tics are given. string can be chosen among 'v','r', and 'i', and, 'v' is the default value
x,y : two vectors which give tics positions.
val= string matrix : A string matrix, which, when given, gives the string to be drawn along the axis at tics positions.
fontsize=int : specifies the fontsize to use for displaying values along the axis. Default value is -1 which stands for current fontsize
format_n=string : format to use for displaying numbers along the axis
seg= 1 or 0 : A flag which controls the display of the base segment of the axis (default value is 1).
sub_int=integer : an integer which gives the number of sub-intervals to draw between large tics.
textcolor=integer : specify the color to use for displaying values along the axis. Default value is -1 which stands for current color.
ticscolor=integer : specify the color to use for tics drawing. Default value is -1 which stands for current color.


drawaxis is used to draw an axis in vertical or horizontal direction. the direction of the axis is given by dir dir = 'u' or 'd' gives a horizontal axis with tics going up ('u') or down ('d'). dir = 'r' or 'l' give a vertical axis with tics going right ('r') or left ('l').

x and y give the axis tics positions. If the axis is horizontal then y must be a scalar or can be omitted and x is a Scilab vector. The meaning of x is controlled by tics.

If tics='v' then x gives the tics positions along the x-axis.

If tics='r' then x must be of size 3. x=[xmin,xmax,n] and n gives the number of intervals.

If tics='i' then x must be of size 4, x=[k1,k2,a,n]. then xmin=k1*10^a, xmax=k2*10^a and n gives the number of intervals

If y is omitted then the axis will be positioned at the top of the frame if dir='u' or at the bottom if dir='d'

By default, numbers are drawn along the axis. They are drawn using a default format which can be changed with format_n. It is also possible to display given strings and not numbers, this is done if val is provided. The size of val must match the number of tics.


// horizontal axis 
// horizontal axis on top of the frame
// horizontal axis at the bottom of the frame

// horizontal axis given by a range 

// vertical axis 

// horizontal axis with strings displayed at tics positions
// vertical axis with strings displayed at tics positions

// horizontal axis given with a 'i' range. 

// horizontal axis again 

