
grep — find matches of a string in a vector of strings

Calling sequence



str1 : a vector of strings.
str2 : a character string or character string vector . The string(s) to search in str1
row : vector of indices: row where a match has been found or an empty matrix if no match found.
which : vector of indices: index of str2 string found or an empty matrix if no match found.


Foreach entry of str1, grep searches if at least a string in str2 matches a substring. str1 entries index where at least a match has been found are returned in the row argument. while optionnal which argument gives the index of first string of str2 found.


txt=['find matches of a string in a vector of strings'
     'search position of a character string in an other string'
     'Compare Strings'];

grep(txt,['strings' 'Strings'])

[r,w]=grep(txt,['strings' 'Strings'])


See also
