
ilib_for_link — utility for shared library management with link

Calling sequence



names : a string matrix giving the entry names which are to be linked.
files : string matrix giving objects files needed for shared library creation
libs : string matrix giving extra libraries needed for shred library creation
flag : a string flag ("c" or "f") for C or Fortran entry points.
makename : character string. The pathname of the Makefile file without extension (default value Makelib).
loadername : character string. The pathname of the loader file (default value loader.sce).
libn : character string. The path of the really generated shared library file.


This tool is used to create shared libraries and to generate a loader file which can be used to dynamically load the shared library into Scilab with the link function. New entry points given by names are then accessible through the call function or with non linear tools ode, optim,...

The file to compile are supposed to be located given by makename. If makename sets a path different to the current directory, loader script must be located in the same directory using the loadername variable.

Many examples are provided in examples/link-examples-so directory.


f1=['int ext1c(n, a, b, c)'
    'int *n;     double *a, *b, *c;'
    '{int k;'
    '  for (k = 0; k < *n; ++k) '
    '      c[k] = a[k] + b[k];'
    '  return(0);}'];


//creating the shared library (a gateway, a Makefile and a loader are 


// load the shared library 

exec loader.sce 

//using the new primitive
if norm(c-(a+b)) > %eps then pause,end


See also

addinter, link, ilib_compile, ilib_gen_Make, ilib_gen_gateway, ilib_gen_loader, ilib_for_link