
param3d_properties — description of the 3D curves entities properties


The Param3d entity is a leaf of the graphics entities hierarchy. This entity is still under developpement and will problably evolve a lot. In particular we intend to extend the Axes data structure to 3D and split the Axes properties and Param3d drawing properties similarily to the 2D case.

visible: This field contains the visible property value for the entity . It should be "on" or "off" . By default, the curves are visibles, the value's property is "on" . If "off" the curves are not drawn on the screen.
data: This field contains the coordinates of the 3d curves. it is the matrix [X,Y,Z] such as X(:,i), Y(:,i), Z(:,i) contain the 3D coordinates of the i'th curve.
data_bounds: This field contains the boundary values for the x, y and z coordinates. It is the matrix [xmin,xmax;ymin,ymax;zmin,zmax].

A real vector of size three flag=[type,box,unused]. typeis an integer (scaling) where:

if type=0 the plot is made using the current 3D scaling (set by a previous call to param3d,plot3dplot3d

type=1 :rescales automatically 3d boxes with extreme aspect ratios, the boundaries are specified by the value of the property data_bounds.

type=2 :rescales automatically 3d boxes with extreme aspect ratios, the boundaries are computed using the given data.

type=3 :3d isometric with box bounds given by the property data_bounds.

type=4 :3d isometric bounds derived from the data.

type=5 :3d expanded isometric bounds with box bounds given by the property data_bounds.

thickness: This field contains the default thickness value of the lines used to draw the axes and the curves. It should be a positive integer.
foreground: This field contains the color index used to draw the axes and the curves. Its value should be a color index (relative to the current colormap).
rotation_angles: This field is the vector [theta,alpha]. These two values give the spherical coordinates of the observation points (in degree).
surface_color: This property contains the vector of color indices used to draw each curve.
parent: This property contains the handle of the parent. The parent of the 3D curves entity should be of the type "Axes" .



   set("figure_style","new") //create a figure
   a=get("current_axes");//get the handle of the newly created axes
   h=a.children //get the handle of the param3d entity
   h.surface_color=[3 5];
   h.data_bounds=[-1,-1,-1;1,1,2]; //boundaries given by data_bounds
   h.flag=[2 5 0];
   h.thickness = 2;

See also

set, get, delete, param3d, param3d1, graphics_entities
