
plot2d — 2D plot

Calling sequence

plot2d([x],y,<opt_args>)  (new syntax)
plot2d([logflag],x,y,[style,strf,leg,rect,nax])  (old syntax) 



: two matrices (or column vectors).

in the usual way x is a matrix of the same size than y (the column j of y is plotted with respect to column j of x)
if all the columns of x are equal (ie the abscissae of all the curves are the same), x may be simply the (column) vector of these abscissae (x is then a column vector of length equal to the row dimension of y).
when x is not given, it is supposed to be the column vector [1; 2; ...; row dimension of y].

: This represents a sequence of statements key1=value1, key2=value2,... where key1, key2,... can be one of the following:

style : sets the style for each curve, see below for value.
leg : sets the curves captions. If this key is given and strf is not given then x character of strf is supposed to be 1. See below for value.
rect : sets the bounds of the plot. If this key is given and neither frameflag nor strf is given then the y character of strf is supposed to be 7. See below for value.
nax : sets the grids definition. If this key is given and neither axesflag nor strf is given then the z character of strf is supposed to be 1. See below for value.
logflag : sets the scale (linear or logarithmic) along the axes. See below for value.
frameflag : specifies how the frame of the plot is computed. The value is an integer ranging from 0 to 8. It corresponds to the y character of strf. See below.
axesflag : specifies what kind of axes are drawn around the plot. The value is an integer ranging from 0 to 5. It corresponds to the z character of strf. See below.

: is a real row vector of size nc. The style to use for curve i is defined by style(i). The default style is 1:nc (1 for the first curve, 2 for the second, etc.).

- if style(i) is negative or zero, the curve is plotted using the mark with id abs(style(i)); use xset() to set the mark id and xget('mark') to get the current mark id.
- if style(i) is strictly positive, a plain line with color id style(i) or a dashed line with dash id style(i) is used; use xset() to see the color ids.
- When only one curve is drawn, style can be the row vector of size 2 [sty,pos] where sty is used to specify the style and pos is an integer ranging from 1 to 6 which specifies a position to use for the caption. This can be useful when a user wants to draw multiple curves on a plot by calling the function plot2d several times and wants to give a caption for each curve.

: is a string of length 3 "xyz" (by default strf= "081")


: controls the display of captions.

x=0 : no caption.
x=1 : captions are displayed. They are given by the optional argument leg.

: controls the computation of the actual coordinate ranges from the minimal requested values. Actual ranges can be larger than minimal requirements.

y=0: no computation, the plot use the previus (or default) scale
y=1: from the rect arg
y=2: from the min/max of the x, y datas
y=3: built for an isometric scale from the rect arg
y=4: built for an isometric plot from the min/max of the x, y datas
y=5: enlarged for pretty axes from the rect arg
y=6: enlarged for pretty axes from the min/max of the x, y datas
y=7: like y=1 but the previus plot(s) are redrawn to use the new scale
y=8: like y=2 but the previus plot(s) are redrawn to use the new scale

: controls the display of information on the frame around the plot. If axes are requested, the number of tics can be specified by the nax optional argument.

z=0 : nothing is drawn around the plot.
z=1 : axes are drawn, the y=axis is displayed on the left.
z=2 : the plot is surrounded by a box without tics.
z=3 : axes are drawn, the y=axis is displayed on the right.
z=4 : axes are drawn centred in the middle of the frame box.
z=5 : axes are drawn so as to cross at point (0,0). If point (0,0) does not lie inside the frame, axes will not appear on the graph.
leg : a string. It is used when the first character x of argument strf is 1. leg has the form "leg1@leg2@...." where leg1, leg2, etc. are respectively the captions of the first curve, of the second curve, etc. The default is " ".
rect : This argument is used when the second character y of argument strf is 1, 3 or 5. It is a row vector of size 4 and gives the dimension of the frame: rect=[xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax].
nax : This argument is used when the third character z of argument strf is 1. It is a row vector with four entries [nx,Nx,ny,Ny] where nx (ny) is the number of subgraduations on the x (y) axis and Nx (Ny) is the number of graduations on the x (y) axis.
logflag : a string formed by to characters h (for horizontal axis) and v (for vertical axis) each of these characters can take the values "n" or "l". "l" stands for logarithmic graduation and "n" for normal graduation. For example "ll"stands for a log-log plot. Default value is "nn".


plot2d plots a set of 2D curves. Piecewise linear plotting is used.

By default, successive plots are superposed. To clear the previous plot, use xbasc().

See the meaning of the parameters above for a complete description.

Enter the command plot2d() to see a demo.

Other high level plot2d function exist:

plot2d2: same as plot2d but the curve is supposed to be piecewise constant.
plot2d3: same as plot2d but the curve is plotted with vertical bars.
plot2d4: same as plot2d but the curve is plotted with arrows.


//simple plot
//multiple plot
plot2d(x,[sin(x) sin(2*x) sin(3*x)])
// multiple plot giving the dimensions of the frame
//   old syntax and new syntax
plot2d(x,[sin(x) sin(2*x) sin(3*x)],1:3,"011"," ",[0,0,6,0.5])
plot2d(x,[sin(x) sin(2*x) sin(3*x)],rect=[0,0,6,0.5])
//multiple plot with captions and given tics
//   old syntax and new syntax
plot2d(x,[sin(x) sin(2*x) sin(3*x)],..
plot2d(x,[sin(x) sin(2*x) sin(3*x)],..
// isoview
// scale 
// auto scaling with previous plots 
// axis on the right 
// centered axis
// axis centered at (0,0)

See also

plot2d1, plot2d2, plot2d3, plot2d4, xbasc, xset

