
pvm_halt — stops the PVM daemon

Calling sequence

[info] = pvm_halt()  


info : integer, status code returned by the routine. Values less than zero indicate an error.


pvm_halt kills all PVM tasks, all the remote daemons, and the local daemon. If the master pvmd is killed manually it should be sent a SIGTERM signal to allow it to kill the remote pvmds and clean up various files.

The pvmd can be killed in a manner that leaves the file /tmp/pvmd.uid behind on one or more hosts (the uid suffix is the numeric user ID from /etc/passwd) of the user. This will prevent PVM from restarting on that host. Deletion of this file will fix this problem and it can be done as follows: rm `( grep $user /etc/passwd || ypmatch $user passwd ) | awk -F: '{print "/tmp/pvmd.";$3;exit}'`

For example:

 ans  =
 ans  =
  - 14.  

Error -14 means: pvm_halt(): Can't contact local daemon

See also

pvm_start, pvm_addhosts, pvm_config