
scicos_params — Scicos diagram parameters data structure



params: Scilab tlist, Scicos diagram parameters data structure definedby the formal name 'params' and containing the following fields:


wpar: viewing parameters: [w,h,Xshift,Yshift]
w: real scalar,Scicos editor window width
h: real scalar,Scicos editor window height
Xshift: real scalar, diagram drawing x offset within Scicos editor window
Yshift: real scalar, diagram drawing y offset within Scicos editor window
title: character string, diagram title and default name of save file name
tol: 1 x 4 vector [atol,rtol,ttol,maxt], where atol, rtol are respectively absolute and relative tolerances for the ode solver, ttol is the minimal distance between to different events time and maxt is maximum integration time interval for a single call to the ode solver.
tf: real scalar, final time for simulation.
context: vector of character strings, Scilab instructions used to define Scilab variables used in block definitions as symbolic parameters.
void: unused fields
options: list(With3D,Color3D)
With3D: boolean, true for 3D shape blocks
Color3D: vector with three entries [R,G,B]. defines the color of 3D shape
doc: user defined diagram documentation structure, default value is list()

See also
