
xbasimp — send graphics to a Postscript printer or in a file

Calling sequence



win_num : integer scalar or vector
filen : string, Postscript file name (default value is "file"). The window number is appended to filen.
printer : string, printer name. If printer is present or if there is only one argument in the calling sequence, the created file is printed on printer printer.


xbasimp sends the recorded graphics of the window win_num into the Postscript file filen and prints the Postscript file with the command Blpr. This function works only if the selected driver is "Rec".

If win_num is a vector, several files are generated, one for each selected window (with names filenxx), and the files are printed on a unique page with the command Blpr.

The window number is appended to filen.

See also

printing, xs2fig, xs2gif, xs2ppm