Pingwen Zhang
Nucleation and Boundary Layer in Diblock Copolymer SCFT Model
phase diagram of the equilibrium states and the stability of the
possible microstructures are both important for polymer scientists. The
phase behavior of a diblock copolymer system could be studied through
self-consistent mean field theory (SCFT). We extensively study the
boundary layer of a diblock copolymer melt confined system using
compressible self-consistent mean-field theory. We discover the
boundary layer profile and its thickness are only determined by
boundary potential and compressible parameter. We have also
investigated several effects due to the confinement of polymer melts by
impenetrable hard surfaces in the self-consistent field calculations.
will also introduce a numerical method to study the nucleation in
copolymer melts. Nucleation is the decay of a metastable state via the
thermally activated formation and subsequent growth of droplets of the
equilibrium phase. We will consider the nucleation in diblock copolymer
melts, whose equilibrium phases are well understood. We apply a new
numerical method, called the string method, to compute the minimum
energy path (MEP). Then from the MEP, we find the size and shape of the
critical droplet and the free-energy barrier to nucleation.