April 14th-18th 2014, Ecole des Ponts Paristech
Program and list of participants:
The workshop consists in 8 keynote lectures of 1h30 each, which will be given by:
Albert Cohen (Université Paris 6)
Wolfgang Dahmen (Aachen Universität)
Olivier Le Maître (LIMSI - CNRS)
Anthony Patera (Massachussets Institute of Technology)
Dominique Picard (Université Paris 7)
Reinhold Schneider (TU Berlin)
Frank Verstraete (Wien Universität)
Karen Willcox (Massachussets Institute of Technnology)
There will also be 20 talks of 45 minutes. Here is the list of speakers who confirmed their participation:
Marie Billaud-Friess
Fabien Casenave
Ludovic Chamoin
Mathilde Chevreuil
Lieven De Llathauwer
Antonio Falco
Boris Khoromskij
Ors Legeza
Pierre Lermusiaux
Martin J. Mohlenkamp
Christophe Prud'homme
Stefan Knecht
Gianluigi Rozza
David Ryckelynk
Julien Salomon
Claudia Schillings
Christian Soize
Benjamin Stamm
Karsten Urban
Karen Veroy-Grepl
A poster session is planned on Monday during lunch break.
A discussion about "High-dimensional problems in industry" will take place on Tuesday during lunch break, with a talk by Thomas Leurent, from the Akselos company.
The link to the full program is available here. The slides of the talks can be found here.
People interested in attending the workshop are asked to send an e-mail to
to register (registration is free, and lunches and workshop dinner will be offered, (extended
deadline for registration: 17th of March 2014). Please indicate in your
e-mail if you wish to attend the workshop dinner or propose a poster.
The workshop will take place at the
Ecole des Ponts Paristech, Marne-la-Vallée (close to Paris). Here are
some indications on how to get to the university. For attendees, here
are a few suggestions for accomodation. The talks will begin at 9 am on Monday morning in the Amphitheatre Navier.
Organizing team:
Virginie Ehrlacher (Ecole des Ponts Paristech)
Tony Lelièvre (Ecole des Ponts Paristech)
Yvon Maday (Université Paris 6)
Anthony Nouy (Ecole centrale de Nantes)
This meeting is supported by:
INRIA Rocquencourt CECAM GdR AMORE LaBex Bezout