April 14th-18th 2014, Ecole des Ponts Paristech

List of talks:

Monday 14th April 2014:

09:00 - 10:30 : Reinhold Schneider (TU Berlin): Hierarchical tensors for the solution of high-dimensional partial differential equations.

11:00 - 11:45 : Boris Khoromskij (Max-Planck-Insititute for Mathematics in the Sciences, joint work with Venera Khoromskaia): Grid-based tensor methods in electronic structure and molecular simulations.

11:45 - 12:30 : Martin J. Mohlenkamp (Ohio University): The Magical Inner Product.

14:00 - 15:30 : Frank Verstraete (Universität Wien): Tensors and entanglement in quantum many-body systems.

16:00 - 16:45 : Stefan Knecht (ETH Zürich, joint work with Markus Reiher): On the Electron Correlation Problem in Quantum Chemistry.

16:45 - 17:30 : Örs Legeza (Wigner Research Centre for Physics): Generalized tensor methods and entanglement measurements for models with long range interactions.

Tuesday 15th April 2014:

09:00 - 10:30 : Karen Willcox (MIT): Multifidelity modeling: exploiting structure in high-dimensional problems.

11:00 - 11:45 : Gianluigi Rozza (SISSA): Weighted reduced basis for the approximation of viscous flows with random coefficients.

11:45 - 12:30 : Christophe Prud'homme (UDS/IRMA, joint work with Cécile Daversin, Christophe Trophime, Stéphane Veys): Reduced basis methods and high-performance computing. Applications to non-linear multi-physics problems.

14:00 - 15:30 : Wolfgang Dahmen (RWTH Aachen): Adaptive near-minimal rank approximation for high dimensional operator equations.

16:00 - 16:45 : David Ryckelynk (Mines Paristech): Multidimensional a priori hyper-reduction of mechanical models involving internal variables.

16:45 - 17:30 : Ludovic Chamoin (ENS Cachan, joint work with Pierre Ladevèze, Pierre-Eric Allier): Recent advances in the control of PGD-based approximations.

Wednesday 16th April 2014:

09:00 - 10:30 : Albert Cohen (UPMC, joint work with Ronal DeVore): Estimating the n-width of solution manifolds of parametric PDEs.

11:00 - 11:45 : Karen Veroy (RWTH Aachen): Online-efficient Reduced Basis Methods for Contact and other Problems in Nonlinear Solid Mechanics.

11:45 - 12:30 : Antonio Falco (Universidad CEU Cardenal Herrera): Geometric Structures and Tensor Based Algorithms.

14:00 - 14:45 : Julien Salomon (Université Paris-Dauphine, joint work with Bernard Haasdonk, Barbara Wohlmuth): A reduced basis method for variational inequalities.

14:45 - 15:30 : Fabien Casenave (IGN): Reduced order methods applied to aeroacoustic problems solved by integral equations.

16:00 - 16:45 : Benjamin Stamm (UPMC): A Reduced Basis Method for Multiple Electromagnetic Scattering in Three Dimensions.

16:45 - 17:30 : Marie Billaud-Friess (Ecole Centrale de Nantes): Tensor-based methods for the goal-oriented reduction of stochastic high-dimensional problems.

Thursday 17th April 2014:

09:00 - 09:45 : Karsten Urban (Ulm University): Reduced Basis Methods for Option Pricing.

09:45 - 10:30 : Lieven De Lathauwer (KU Leuven, joint work with Laurent Sorber, Marc Van Barel): Computation of tensor decompositions via numerical optimization.

11:00 - 12:30 : Anthony Patera (MIT, joint work with Yvon Maday, James Penn, Tommaso Taddei, Masa Yano): Fast variational Data Assimilation for Parametrized Partial Differential Equations: Weak Formulations, Error Estimation, and Greedy Methods.  (movie)

14:00 - 15:30 : Dominique Picard (Université Paris-Diderot and LPMA): Forecasting intra day load curves using sparse learning methods.

16:00 - 16:45 : Claudia Schillings (ETH Zürich): Adaptive Methods for Bayesian Inverse Problems of Parametric Operator Equations.

16:45 - 17:30 : Christian Soize (Université Paris-Est): Representations of non-Gaussian positive-definite matrix-valued random fields for elliptic BVP and statistical inverse identification in high dimension using partial and limited experimental data.

Friday 18th April 2014:

09:00 - 10:30 : Olivier Le Maître (Duke University and LIMSI): Proper Generalized Decomposition Method: algorithms and applications to several stochastic PDEs.

11:00 - 11:45 : Pierre Lermusiaux (MIT): Bayesian Inference of High-Dimensional Dynamical Model Formulation.

11:45 - 12:30 : Mathilde Chevreuil (Université de Nantes): A regularized least-squares method for sparse low-rank approximation of multivariate functions.