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ERROR Voter from %s. Your host is in the list of recent voters, so you can't vote again. Try another question!
Error reading config file./u/cermics/4/rl/www/wwwpoll/%s.htincError including htinc file:
Creative Internet Designs,WWW Poll 1.0 㾈'Db@D  b@ !`  c/@ `P@b@'쀢 b@w@ c@g' 8/a$@l/a@ '  ` * :`  `h@F  /@g @y  @2 `@T`'@< `@G a@CInvalid number of items trying to write include file.wError opening include file for writing.%s %s
+ - %s (%d)


Error writing to include file:ADD ENTRY

Nombre total de votes: %d
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Enter Item Name:

Quit Back to Sondage sur le WWW 㿐'Da@ka @saP2@m'1!@*@*`"a **"!!` @P`'ax@FaD@AaȒ @<b @8bh@4Content-type: text/html Sondage sur le WWW%s %s

Sondage sur le WWW%s %s

㿘'D'H`H@`h@`xDH@`@`DH@/u/cermics/4/rl/www/wwwpoll/%s.listError reading list input file: %d %d %d %d %d Invalid number of items in list input file: Error reading info from list file: End of file reading info from list file: Error reading items from list file: End of file reading items from list file: Error attempting to allocate memory for voter log.Error reading voters from list file: End of file reading voters from list file: 'Dp PD@yp @X'll   @A!aؒ$l@M!a@l  ` * :` px@(2aؒ$l@62a@l  ` * :` px@1a#\l/ !/`1@1aȒ$l@1a@ aؒ$l@ a@0a$l@0a@l1@1!` 1!`2p@l  ` * :` p@l  `* :` p@'1!@G*@*`" l@*@*`"a  !l@*@*`"a  @Ul  ` * :` p0@ul  `* :` pX@h`'l @ll"@e"!؀`S!1"!ؐ *  @v$!`b@<1!'h'"!؀@3h$l@>h@/a0h@*h`'hl  ` * :` p@l  `* :` p@`'l@Invalid number of items trying to write list file.Writing -%s- Error opening list file for writing:%s %s %s %d %s Error writing items to list file: %s 'D1!` 1!`2`@x PD@ x@ x H@ 'tt x@tx!2!@ / /11!#\t a@ t1 !0a@ 1t@ 'p1p!@+p*@*`"!p+ @*`"! ta  @ {t  ` * :` x @Bp`'p t@ a"t@ Z1!'l'p"p!؀@tHl@ Hl`'lp`'ptP@ 9t@ !%B %d, %Y at %H:%M:%S/u/cermics/4/rl/www/wwwpoll/wwwpoll.loga%s, %s, %s %s 'D'H @ 'll @ 'px  (Xp@ `p@ 'tt  xt/ DH@ t@ : Form Input ErrorThe form results were returned incorrectly by your browser. Your browser may not correctly support the form elements (TEXT and RADIO) used in this application

If you would like to report the problem, send e-mail to the maintainers of the Sondage sur le WWW at rl@cermics.enpc.fr. 㿘aha@ b(@ b@ @ _: Fatal Script ErrorAn error occurred in the Sondage sur le WWW script. Please report this problem to the maintainers of the Sondage sur le WWW at rl@cermics.enpc.fr. Thank you.

Error Message: %s%s

Any data entered may still be available from your viewer by using BACK to return to the previous form. 㿘'D'Hcc(@ cDH@ `@ b@ @ : Input ErrorERROR Text input fields are not allowed to contain HTML tags or the <, >, or & characters. Text input fields are not allowed to contain carriage returns, new line, backspace, form feed, or vertical tab codes. (In fact, we don't know how you managed to get one in there anyway.) At present, text input fields are not allowed to contain double quotes ("). This is because no uniform method exists of marking the double quotes in forms that works with all viewers. Single quotes may, however, be freely used. Null input fields found. To add an item to the Sondage sur le WWW, all fields must contain an entry after leading and trailing spaces are removed. Unidentified text input error. Please correct and resubmit the text.

The data entered may still be available from your viewer by using BACK to return to the previous form. 㿘'D`a@ D a@@ $D a@ D b@ D cp@ `@ `(@ `X@ b@ @ : Already Got OneERROR Sorry, the specified item is already in the list. Please choose another item to add. 㿘ab@ b@ @ i: Bad Option for QuestionERROR The option chosen is not available on the current question. In fact, we don't know how you got this error message to appear? (Are you trying to guess a new URL?) 㿘b7c@ ?b@I @ : Too Many ItemsERROR The maximum number of items allowed (%d) has been reached. Sorry, no new items can be added. 㿘`8`P 2@ b@ @ 㿘'Dbh@ r%s㷐'D'D`@ '  ,  `* :`  '@   ` * :`  ' h@ @ REMOTE_USER@REMOTE_HOSTREMOTE_ADDRUnknown㿐'D'HD`@ tbh@ '  H?D@ Dx@ b@ q' b@ h'  D@ fH"@D@ xD@ ] DH@ r㿘'DD *`: D *`: D*D`'D㿐'D''D  @* : @ I `' 'D  `'D@  **`:` D@ ?'D  @* : @   ?'D *@㿈'D/''D@  @''D  @* :` D  @* :`*`:   D@  *`' *@D  @* :` `'' 'D  `'D@  **`:` 㿈'D'L/$''  @{'^D@@  *쀢  * $' @x'LLL@ "  @* :`*`: D  `* :`  L`  @* :`*`: `' *@`'㿘'DD *; @ D ߖ ɒ D В *`: * *`: D  *:@?ɖ D  *;  ߔ  ?Ж D  *;   *`: 㿘'D  D@  @* :` "D D@  *D  @* :` % `D  D  *` `D *@㿘'DD *`: D *`: +D *D`'D㿘3!!䀢    㿘3!؀!   3!ܒ`*` 2`@ 3!ؑ, ?, #(@p 㿘 aĀ  "aālx EDH+h)pBt,h,=,=,=,=$C< >,2<8D&ռP!՘\IdhMPtJNLHOD9-2" />,!( 8''&$3=.E4 !  / :)%I-0#M1 L"+#*$%;&.(J)6*3+5,G0<1@274B56F7K89:A;Q<S=>??H@DAUBCCPDREFGHNITJKLMONOPQRSTUpl  b%,~#2r;9EKLSz@` Um \y NX FW " Y@fITE\,t +]lYl) M7=cE_PZ 3eTp toZ? @0*C:[x`,a ? 5 Ű uŴ&b5 {Ÿ= żE TP [OPpd gmu.{ _q$![VK:7` t&8 qG Vychic(|_etext_edata_endstartstart_float__exit_main_environ__DYNAMIC_exit_wr_log_html_header_ivplus_flag_vminus_gif_qheader_bad_form_res_too_many_items_numvoterlog_sprintf_strpbrk_bad_option_for_question_blist_error_footer_wr_list_strip_white_fopen_fgets_makeword_include_file_ivminus_flag_time___main_fmakeword_strftime_iadd_flag_input_err_ha_get_host_info_localtime_lastvoter_load_list_fclose_strip_end_cr_fscanf_getenv_unescape_url_buf_add_entry_page_add_gif_disp_main_page_malloc_idcnt_flag_isort_flag_plus_to_space_nitems_nquest_vlog_ptr0_vplus_gif_err_msg_entries_printf__iob_fprintf_qtitle_totalnumvotes_novoteflag_atoi_strlen_strcmp_strcpy_already_got_one_wr_htinc_file_realloc_strncat_strncpy_x2c_fgetc_strcat_isspace_on_exit__exit_dummy_decl___CTOR_LIST_____DTOR_LIST_____do_global_ctors___do_global_dtors__exit_dummy_ref/usr/local/lib/gcc-lib/sparc-sun-sunos4.1.3_U1/2.6.3:/usr/local/libPD P4PFcdl $P$O\`D EHDLL`P`㿠㿠㿠㿠㿠㿠㿠㿠㿠㿠 㿠 㿠㿠㿠㿠㿠㿠㿠㿠㿠㿠㿠㿠㿠㿠㿠㿠 "!"3"BY`NY``Y`oc(xc(c(dc(dc(̀'@^&C_qɀ!-X.`ɀӀހ4567 89:*F7`m.$c( $ch$cd d d dd (dd 4Vhƀ Nlǀـ  1 L h  $` 1 ; F4 R5 \6 g7 q8 |9 : F Ȁm .  6 pl  #  ( .~# 4r =L Ez@ R U _ \ k  tN X  W "  Y@ fIT E\, ]l Yl M c_ 3'T2 6oZE @0P*C[:[i,aw |? 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