The summer school is cancelled due to the coronavirus. Registrations are therefore closed.
Registrations are limited to 30 people. 25 places are reserved to PhD students and postdocs.
Registration fees: 320€. Fees are not refundable after payment.
Registration covers lectures, coffee-breaks, lunches (every day except Friday), the social event, and the conference dinner. Please note that accommodation is not covered by the registration.
If you want to stay at the Villa Clythia, please select this option in the registration form. The lectures start Monday morning, and end Friday at noon. For those staying at the Villa Clythia, it is possible to book the Friday and the Saturday nights if they want to stay in Fréjus for the week-end.
Please contact Isabelle Simunic ( if you have questions related to the registration. Please contact Axel Parmentier ( if you have more general questions.
After filling a registration system, the payment page will open. This page is in French, and should be prefilled with the right informations. It is very important that under the item “Veuillez saisir le montant à payer”, you write 320€, and under the item “Motif du paiement”, you select “Frejus Summer School”. We won’t be able to validate your registration if this form is not filled this way. At the end, click on “Valider”.