Table of Contents
- bezout - Bezout equation for polynomials
- clean - cleans matrices (round to zero small entries)
- cmndred - common denominator form
- coeff - coefficients of matrix polynomial
- coffg - inverse of polynomial matrix
- colcompr - column compression of polynomial matrix
- degree - degree of polynomial matrix
- denom - denominator
- derivat - rational matrix derivative
- determ - determinant of polynomial matrix
- detr - polynomial determinant
- diophant - diophantine (Bezout) equation
- factors - numeric real factorization
- gcd - gcd calculation
- hermit - Hermite form
- horner - polynomial/rational evaluation
- hrmt - gcd of polynomials
- htrianr - triangularization of polynomial matrix
- invr - inversion of (rational) matrix
- lcmdiag - least common multiple diagonal factorization
- lcm - least common multiple
- ldiv - polynomial matrix long division
- numer - numerator
- pdiv - polynomial division
- pol2des - polynomial matrix to descriptor form
- pol2str - polynomial to string conversion
- polfact - minimal factors
- residu - residue
- roots - roots of polynomials
- routh_t - Routh's table
- rowcompr - row compression of polynomial matrix
- sfact - discrete time spectral factorization
- simp_mode - toggle rational simplification
- simp - rational simplification
- sylm - Sylvester matrix
- systmat - system matrix