
wfir — linear-phase FIR filters

Calling sequence



ftype : string : 'lp','hp','bp','sb' (filter type)
forder : Filter order (pos integer)(odd for ftype='hp' or 'sb')
cfreq : 2-vector of cutoff frequencies (0<cfreq(1),cfreq(2)<.5) only cfreq(1) is used when ftype='lp' or 'hp'
wtype : Window type ('re','tr','hm','hn','kr','ch')
fpar : 2-vector of window parameters. Kaiser window fpar(1)>0 fpar(2)=0. Chebyshev window fpar(1)>0, fpar(2)<0 or fpar(1)<0, 0<fpar(2)<.5
wft : time domain filter coefficients
wfm : frequency domain filter response on the grid fr
fr : Frequency grid


Function which makes linear-phase, FIR low-pass, band-pass, high-pass, and stop-band filters using the windowing technique. Works interactively if called with no arguments.


C. Bunks