Table of Contents
- analpf - create analog low-pass filter
- buttmag - response of Butterworth filter
- casc - cascade realization of filter from coefficients
- cepstrum - cepstrum calculation
- cheb1mag - response of Chebyshev type 1 filter
- cheb2mag - response of type 2 Chebyshev filter
- chepol - Chebychev polynomial
- convol - convolution
- corr - correlation, covariance
- cspect - spectral estimation (correlation method)
- czt - chirp z-transform algorithm
- dft - discrete Fourier transform
- ell1mag - magnitude of elliptic filter
- eqfir - minimax approximation of FIR filter
- eqiir - Design of iir filters
- faurre - filter computation by simple Faurre algorithm
- ffilt - coefficients of FIR low-pass
- fftshift - rearranges the fft output, moving the zero frequency to the center of the spectrum
- fft - fast Fourier transform.
- filter - modelling filter
- find_freq - parameter compatibility for elliptic filter design
- findm - for elliptic filter design
- frfit - frequency response fit
- frmag - magnitude of FIR and IIR filters
- fsfirlin - design of FIR, linear phase filters, frequency sampling technique
- group - group delay for digital filter
- hank - covariance to hankel matrix
- hilb - Hilbert transform
- iirgroup - group delay Lp IIR filter optimization
- iirlp - Lp IIR filter optimization
- iir - iir digital filter
- intdec - Changes sampling rate of a signal
- jmat - row or column block permutation
- kalm - Kalman update
- lattn - recursive solution of normal equations
- lattp - lattp
- levin - Toeplitz system solver by Levinson algorithm (multidimensional)
- lev - Yule-Walker equations (Levinson's algorithm)
- lgfft - utility for fft
- lindquist - Lindquist's algorithm
- mese - maximum entropy spectral estimation
- mfft - multi-dimensional fft
- mrfit - frequency response fit
- %asn - elliptic integral
- %k - Jacobi's complete elliptic integral
- %sn - Jacobi 's elliptic function
- phc - Markovian representation
- pspect - cross-spectral estimate between 2 series
- remezb - Minimax approximation of magnitude response
- remez - Remez's algorithm
- rpem - RPEM estimation
- Signal - Signal manual description
- sincd - digital sinc function or Direchlet kernel
- sinc - samples of sinc function
- srfaur - square-root algorithm
- srkf - square root Kalman filter
- sskf - steady-state Kalman filter
- system - observation update
- trans - low-pass to other filter transform
- wfir - linear-phase FIR filters
- wiener - Wiener estimate
- wigner - 'time-frequency' wigner spectrum
- window - symmetric window
- yulewalk - least-square filter design
- zpbutt - Butterworth analog filter
- zpch1 - Chebyshev analog filter
- zpch2 - Chebyshev analog filter
- zpell - lowpass elliptic filter