Dam Viable Management under Uncertainty

Michel De Lara
(last modification date: October 10, 2017)
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1 Problem data
2 Maximizing the expected payoff and computing the resulting probability to satisfy the constraint
3 Maximizing the viability probability to guarantee jointly payoff and summer water volume


1 Problem data
 1.1 Dam dynamics
 1.2 Criterion: intertemporal payoff
 1.3 Constraint: minimal volume during the Summer months
 1.4 Water turbined strategy
 1.5 Probabilistic model on water inputs and expected criterion
2 Maximizing the expected payoff and computing the resulting probability to satisfy the constraint
 2.1 Dynamic programming equation
 2.2 Data for the numerical simulations
 2.3 Scilab code for the additive stochastic dynamic programming equation
 2.4 Optimal strategy when the final “value of water” is not zero
 2.5 Evaluation of the probability to satisfy the tourism constraint
3 Maximizing the viability probability to guarantee jointly payoff and summer water volume
 3.1 Multiplicative dynamic programming equation
 3.2 Scilab code for the multiplicative stochastic dynamic programming equation
 3.3 Maximal viability probability function and viability kernels
 3.4 Maximal viability probability as a function of guaranteed thresholds

1 Problem data

We consider a dam manager intenting to maximize the intertemporal payoff obtained by selling power produced by water releases, when the water inflows (rain, outflows from upper dams) are random. However, the manager must also respect a minimal volume during the Summer months for tourism reasons.

1.1 Dam dynamics

We model the dynamics of the water volume in a dam by

  S◟(t◝ +◜-1◞) = min {S , S◟(◝t◜)◞ −  q◟(◝t◜)◞ +  a◟(◝t◜)◞},   t ∈ 𝕋 :=  {t0,...,T  − 1}
future volume           volume   turbined   inflow


The dam manager is supposed to make a decision, here turbining q(t) at time t, before knowing the water input a(t). Such a case is called decision-hazard. The constraint on the water turbine q(t) is

0 ≤ q(t) ≤ S(t).

A scenario is a sequence of uncertainties:

a(⋅) := (a(t0),...,a (T − 1)).

1.2 Criterion: intertemporal payoff

The manager original problem is one of payoff maximization where turbining one unit of water has unitary price p(t). On the period from t0 to T, the payoffs sum up to

   p(t)q(t) + UtilFin (T, S(T )),


1.3 Constraint: minimal volume during the Summer months

For “tourism” reasons, the following constraint is imposed

stock    S (t) ≥ S  ,  ∀t ∈ {July,August }.

In what follows, we shall be more specific about the sense with which this constraint has to be satisfied, namely in probability.

1.4 Water turbined strategy

A strategy Rule : 𝕋 × 𝕏 𝕌 assigns a water turbined q = Rule (t,S )  to any state S of dam stock volume and to any decision period t 𝕋. Once given, we obtain uncertain volume trajectories S (⋅) :=  (S(t0),...,S(T − 1 ),S (T))  and turbined trajectories q(⋅) := (q(t0),...,q(T − 1))  produced by the “closed-loop” dynamics

   S(t0)  =  S0     ♯
S(t + 1)  =  min {S ,S (t) − q(t) + a(t)}
    q(t)  =  Rule (t,S(t))

and function of the scenario a(). Thus, in the end, we obtain an uncertain payoff

                     T∑ −1
CritRule(t0,S0,a (⋅)) :=    p(t)q(t) + UtilFin (T, S(T )),

where S(⋅)  and q(⋅)  are given by (5).

1.5 Probabilistic model on water inputs and expected criterion

We suppose that sequences of uncertainties (a(t0),...,a(T − 1))  are random variables with a known probability distribution on the set         ♯ T−t0
{0,...,a }   .

We suppose that the random variables (a(t0),...,a(T − 1))  are independent with distribution π0 (t),...,πa♯(t)  on the set {0,...,a ♯} :

ℙ{a(t) = 0} = π (t),...,ℙ{a (t) = a ♯} = π  ♯(t).
                0                        a

Notice that the random variables (a(t0),...,a(T − 1))  are independent, but that they are not necessarily identically distributed. This allows us to account for seasonal effects (more rain in autumn and winter).

To each strategy Rule, we associate the expected payoff

𝔼 [CritRule(t0,S0,a(⋅))] = 𝔼[    p(t)q(t) + UtilFin (T, S(T ))],

where the expectation 𝔼 is taken with respect to the probability .

2 Maximizing the expected payoff and computing the resulting probability to satisfy the constraint

2.1 Dynamic programming equation

The dynamic programming equation associated with the problem of maximizing the expected payoff  (8)

       T∑− 1
max  𝔼[    p(t)q(t) + UtilFin (T, S(T ))]


                 final payoff
V (T,S ) =   UtilFin (T, S(T )),
 V(t,S ) =         max     ♯  𝔼a(t)[    p◟(◝t)◜q◞    +V  (t + 1,m◟in-{S-,S-−◝◜-q +-a-(t)}◞ )],
             q∈{0,1,2,...,min{S,q }}     instant. payoff             future stock volume

where the expectation 𝔼 is taken with respect to the probability in (7).

2.2 Data for the numerical simulations

We know will make numerical simulations, and try different strategies. We shall consider a daily management over one year

t0 = 1    and     T = 365,


           3    ♯          3    ♯   0.4     ♯            ♯   0.5     ♯
S0 =  0 hm  ,  S  = 100 hm  ,  q  = --- × S     and     a =  ---×  S
                                     7                        7

where we say that, during one week, one can turbine at maximum 40% of the dam volume, and that during one week of full water inflows, an empty dam can be half-filled.

The sequence of prices is known in advance. We shall produce it by one sample from the expression

p(t) = (1 + 𝜖(t))p  with    p-=  66 MWh  ∕hm3  × 2.7 euros∕MWh3

where 𝜖(t)  is drawn from a sequence of i.i.d. uniform random variables in [− 1∕2,1 ∕2]  .

The probability of water inflows (from zero to the maximum a ♯  ) is known in advance.1

Copy the following Scilab code into a file DamData.sce.

  // exec DamData.sce
  // ----------------------------------------------------
  // DATA
  // ----------------------------------------------------
  // State
  // Control
  // Time
  // Prices
  // Uncertainties
  // Probabilities
  // more rain in winter
  // less rain in summer
  // simulation of independent sequences of water inflows between 1 and
  // uncertainty_max+1
  for ss=1:Simulations do
    for tt=bTT do

Copy the following Scilab macros into the same file DamData.sce.

In the macro trajectories, the output CC is the mean payoff averaged over the scenarios: by the law of large numbers, CC is an approximation of the expected payoff if the number of scenarios is large enough (Monte Carlo method).

  // ----------------------------------------------------
  //  MACROS
  // ----------------------------------------------------
  // Dynamics
  function ssdot=dynamics(ss,qq,aa)
  // Instantaneous payoff function
  function c=instant_payoff(tt,ss,qq,aa)
  // Final payoff function
  function c=final_payoff(tt,ss)
  // Trajectories simulations
  function [SS,QQ,CC]=trajectories(SS0,scenarios,policy)
    for simu=1:nb_simulations do
      for tt=TT do
    disp('The payoff is '+string(mean(CC)));

2.3 Scilab code for the additive stochastic dynamic programming equation

Copy the following Scilab code into the file Damoptimality.sce.

  // ----------------------------------------------------
  // DATA
  // ----------------------------------------------------
  // ----------------------------------------------------
  //  MACROS
  // ----------------------------------------------------
    VALUE(horizon,:)=FINAL_PAYOFF;// vector
    // backward time
    for tt=TT($:-1:1) do
      // local variable containg the values of the function to be minimized
      for jj=1:cardinal_controls do
        // the following loop computes an expectation
        for dd=1:cardinal_uncertainty do
          loc(jj,:)=loc(jj,:)+ ...
                    proba(dd)*(-1/%eps*bool2s(states < hh)+bool2s(states >= hh)) .* ...
                    (instant_payoff(tt,states,hh,ww)+ ...
      // mm is the extremum achieved
      // jj is the index of the extremum argument
      // maximal payoff
      // optimal feedback

We first consider that the final “value of water” is zero:

UtilFin (T,S0 ) = 0.

  // We start with a zero value of water at the end of the year
  // ----------------------------------------------------
  // ----------------------------------------------------
  // optimal strategy
  function uu=optimal_rule(tt,xx)
  // Trajectories simulations and visualization
  xset("window",10);// xbasc();
  xtitle('Stock volumes in a dam following an optimal strategywith a zero final value of water', ...
  // Payoff histogram
  xtitle('Histogram of the optimal payoff with a zero final value of water')
  disp('The minimum of the optimal payoff is '+string(min(CC)));
  disp('The mean of the optimal payoff is '+string(mean(CC)));
  disp('The maximum of the optimal payoff is '+string(max(CC)));

Question 1 Picture the trajectories of the stocks corresponding to the optimal strategy. Evaluate the optimal expected payoff, and compare it with the value function V (t0,0)  evaluated at the initial time t0 and the initial stock S =  0
 0  . Explain why these two quantities should be close. What do you observe for the final stocks? Explain why.

2.4 Optimal strategy when the final “value of water” is not zero

Till now, there was no gain in leaving water in the dam at the ultimate decision period. From now on, we consider that the “value of water” UtilFin  (T,S0)  is given by

UtilFin (T, S ) = ---1--V (t ,S )
             0    1 + rf    0  0

where  1
1+rf is a discount factor. We shall take rf = 0.1  when T  = 365   days.


Copy the following Scilab code into the file DamOptimality.sce.

  // ----------------------------------------------------
  // ----------------------------------------------------
  // optimal strategy
  function uu=optimal_rule(tt,xx)
  // Trajectories simulations and visualization
  xset("window",10);// xbasc();
  xtitle('Stock volumes in a dam following an optimal strategy with a final value of water', ...
  // Payoff histogram
  xtitle('Histogram of the optimal payoff with a final value of water')
  disp('The minimum of the optimal payoff is '+string(min(CC)));
  disp('The mean of the optimal payoff is '+string(mean(CC)));
  disp('The maximum of the optimal payoff is '+string(max(CC)));


Figure 1: Stock volumes in a dam following an optimal strategy, with a final value of water

Question 2 Picture the trajectories of the stocks corresponding to the optimal strategy. Evaluate the optimal expected payoffs for different values of the initial stock S0   , and compare them with the value function V (t0,S0 )  evaluated at the initial time t0 and the initial stock S0   . Display the histogram of the optimal payoff. Compare the mean of the optimal payoff with the upper and lower bounds of the distribution.


Figure 2: Histogram of the optimal payoff, with a final value of water

2.5 Evaluation of the probability to satisfy the tourism constraint

Let S ⋆(⋅)  denote an optimal stock trajectory.

Question 3 Evaluate the probability

  {                                 }
ℙ  S⋆(t) ≥ S♭,  ∀t ∈ {July, August }

that the water volume   ⋆
S  (t)  remains above F% of  ♯
S   during the months of July and August, where F% varies between 0% and 100%.


Figure 3: Probability that the summer tourism constraint is satisfied under the optimal strategy, with a final value of water

  // ----------------------------------------------------
  // ----------------------------------------------------
  Summer=([1:horizon] >= horizon/2 & [1:horizon] <= horizon/2+2*30*horizon/364);
  for jj=0:100 do
    VP=[VP,mean(bool2s(min(SS(:,Summer),'c') >= jj/100*volume_max))];
  xtitle('Probability that the summer tourism constraint is satisfied under the optimal strategy with a final value of water', ...
         '(guaranteed fraction of dam volume)','(probability)')

3 Maximizing the viability probability to guarantee jointly payoff and summer water volume

The payoff at time t 𝕋 is

         t water turbined profit
       ∑       ◜  ◞◟  ◝
B (t) =         p(s)q(s)


            water turbined profit  final stock value
        T∑−1     ◜--◞◟-◝       ◜-------◞◟-------◝
B(T ) =         p(t)q(t)     + UtilFin (T, S(T ))

We propose an alternative stochastic viability formulation to (9)-(16) under the form

      (     |                                            )
      ||     || water input scenarios along  which          ||
      {     | the stocksS(t) ≥ S♭,  ∀t ∈ {July, August } }
max ℙ | a(⋅)|| and                                        |
      |(     ||                         ♭                  |)
              the final profitB (T) ≥ B


Figure 4: Maximal viability probability as a function of guaranteed thresholds S and B

3.1 Multiplicative dynamic programming equation

The dynamic programming equation associated with the problem of maximizing the viability probability (17) is

                    final constraint
    V (T,S,B )  =     1{B≥B ♭}  ,

V (T  − 1,S,B )  =         max       𝔼a (T− 1)[1    ♭
                    q∈ {0,1,2,...,min{S,q♯}}         {S≥S ,T−1∈{July,August}
                    ×V (t + 1,min {S♯,S − q + a(T −  1)},
                    B + p(T −  1)q + UtilFin (T,min {S♯,S − q + a(T −  1)})],

                                           instantaneous constraint
     V(t,S,B )  =         max     ♯ 𝔼a (t)[1{S(t)≥S♭,t∈{July,August}}
                    q∈ {0,1,2,...,min{S,q}}♯
                    ×V (t + 1,m◟in-{S-,S(t) −◝◜-q(t) +-a(t)}◞, B◟-+◝p◜(t)q◞ )], ∀t = t0,...,T − 2,
                                   future stock volume      future payoff

where the expectation 𝔼 is taken with respect to the probability (7). Notice that the equation for t = T 1 takes into account the term UtilFin (S (T))  in the payoff.

3.2 Scilab code for the multiplicative stochastic dynamic programming equation

Copy the following Scilab code into the file DamViability.sce.

  // exec DamViability.sce
  // ----------------------------------------------------
  // DATA
  // ----------------------------------------------------
  // For a practical work lower the number of points
  // controls=0:nb_SS;
  // ----------------------------------------------------
  //  MACROS
  // ----------------------------------------------------
  function [FEEDBACK,VALUE]=MSDP(SS_min,PP_min)
    //  SS_min= SSmin * Summer ;
    //  PP_min=PPmin;
    VALUE(horizon)=ones(nb_SS,1)*bool2s(state_PP >= PP_min);
    for tt=shift do
      for ss=1:nb_SS do
        if SS >= SS_min(tt) then
          for pp=1:nb_PP do
            for cc=1:ss do
              // control constraint
              for oo=1:nb_WW do
                SSdot=(min(SSmax,SS-UU+ww));// physical value
                ssdot=SSdot+1;// corresponding index
                Ppdot=(min(PPmax-1, ...
                //physical value
                ppdot=min(round(ppdot/PPmax)+1,nb_PP);//corresponding index
              end;// of the expectation loop
            end;// of the control loop
          end;// of the pp loop
        end;// of the if condition on SS
      end;// of the ss loop
    end;// of the time tt loop

3.3 Maximal viability probability function and viability kernels

Question 4 Compute the maximal viability probability. Deduce the viability kernels with confidence levels 100%, 95% and 90%.


3.4 Maximal viability probability as a function of guaranteed thresholds

Copy the following Scilab code into the file DamViability.sce.

  for bb=1:nb_BB do
    for ee=1:nb_EE do
      // initial state
    // of the ee loop
  // of the bb loop

Question 5 Launch the above code (maybe you will have to reduce the time step, or the horizon, and adapt the code in consequence if the computation takes too much time). Visualize the maximal viability probability starting from an almost full dam. Draw iso-probability curves. Comment on what you observe.

  // scale probability
  xset('window',1);// xclear(); // xbasc();
  //    plot3d1(Thresholds_BB,SC*Thresholds_EE,SP*ViabProba);
  //    plot3d1((1:nb_BB)/nb_BB,(1:nb_EE)/nb_EE,SP*ViabProba);
  xtitle("Maximum viability probability","Environmental constr. (volume)", ...
         "Economic constraint (profit)")
  // ----------------------------------------------------------------
  xtitle("Maximum viability probability","Environmental constraint (volume)", ...
         "Economic constraint (profit)")


Figure 5: Iso-values for the maximal viability probability as a function of guaranteed thresholds S and B


   D. P. Bertsekas. Dynamic Programming and Optimal Control. Athena Scientific, Belmont, Massachusets, second edition, 2000. Volumes 1 and 2.

   M. De Lara and L. Doyen. Sustainable Management of Natural Resources. Mathematical Models and Methods. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2008.