CELIA3D  1.0
Fluid-structure interaction using cut-cells
File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
 couplage.cppDefinition of specific coupling functions
 fluide.cppDefinition of the methods for classes Cellule and Grille. Specific coupling procedures are indicated with a "warning" sign
 fluide.hppDefinition of classes Cellule and Grille used in the resolution of the fluid. Specific coupling members are outlined with a "warning" sign
 intersections.cppIntersection of the fluid grid with the solid
 intersections.hppInclusion of files and definition of types from the CGAL library
 main.cppMain function. Initialization of the problem and resolution
 parametres.hppParameters of the problem. The parameters specific to coupling are preceded by a "warning" sign
 solide.cppDefinition of the functions in class Solide. Specific coupling procedures are preceded by a "warning" sign
 solide.hppDefinition of solid classes. Specific coupling members are preceded by a "warning" sign