Table of Contents
- abcd - state-space matrices
- abinv - AB invariant subspace
- arhnk - Hankel norm approximant
- arl2 - SISO model realization by L2 transfer approximation
- balreal - balanced realization
- bilin - general bilinear transform
- cainv - Dual of abinv
- calfrq - frequency response discretization
- canon - canonical controllable form
- cls2dls - bilinear transform
- colregul - removing poles and zeros at infinity
- cont_frm - transfer to controllable state-space
- cont_mat - controllability matrix
- contrss - controllable part
- contr - controllability, controllable subspace, staircase
- csim - simulation (time response) of linear system
- ctr_gram - controllability gramian
- dbphi - frequency response to phase and magnitude representation
- ddp - disturbance decoupling
- des2tf - descriptor to transfer function conversion
- dscr - discretization of linear system
- dsimul - state space discrete time simulation
- dt_ility - detectability test
- equil1 - balancing (nonnegative) pair of matrices
- equil - balancing of pair of symmetric matrices
- feedback - feedback operation
- flts - time response (discrete time, sampled system)
- frep2tf - transfer function realization from frequency response
- freq - frequency response
- freson - peak frequencies
- gfrancis - Francis equations for tracking
- g_margin - gain margin
- imrep2ss - state-space realization of an impulse response
- invsyslin - system inversion
- kpure - continuous SISO system limit feedback gain
- krac2 - continuous SISO system limit feedback gain
- linmeq - Sylvester and Lyapunov equations solver
- lin - linearization
- lqe - linear quadratic estimator (Kalman Filter)
- lqg2stan - LQG to standard problem
- lqg - LQG compensator
- lqr - LQ compensator (full state)
- ltitr - discrete time response (state space)
- markp2ss - Markov parameters to state-space
- minreal - minimal balanced realization
- minss - minimal realization
- obscont - observer based controller
- observer - observer design
- obs_gram - observability gramian
- obsv_mat - observability matrix
- obsvss - observable part
- pfss - partial fraction decomposition
- phasemag - phase and magnitude computation
- p_margin - phase margin
- ppol - pole placement
- projsl - linear system projection
- repfreq - frequency response
- riccsl - Riccati equation solver
- ricc - Riccati equation
- rowregul - removing poles and zeros at infinity
- rtitr - discrete time response (transfer matrix)
- sm2des - system matrix to descriptor
- sm2ss - system matrix to state-space
- specfact - spectral factor
- ss2des - (polynomial) state-space to descriptor form
- ss2ss - state-space to state-space conversion, feedback, injection
- ss2tf - conversion from state-space to transfer function
- stabil - stabilization
- st_ility - stabilizability test
- svplot - singular-value sigma-plot
- sysfact - system factorization
- syssize - size of state-space system
- tf2ss - transfer to state-space
- time_id - SISO least square identification
- trzeros - transmission zeros and normal rank
- ui_observer - unknown input observer
- unobs - unobservable subspace
- zeropen - zero pencil