A. Iacobucci, F. Legoll, S. Olla, G. Stoltz.
Thermal conductivity of the Toda lattice with conservative noise.
13 pages, décembre 2009
D. Doyen, A. Ern et S. Piperno.
Time-integration schemes for the finite element dynamic Signorini problem.
30 pages, décembre 2009
B. Jourdain, M. Vellekoop.
Regularity of the Exercise Boundary for American Put Options on Assets with Discrete Dividends.
19 pages, novembre 2009
S. Cacace, A. Chambolle, R. Monneau.
A posteriori error estimates for the effective Hamiltonian of dislocation dynamics.
40 pages, novembre 2009
V. Bansaye, J.-F. Delmas, L. Marsalle, V. Chi Tran.
Limit theorems for Markov processes indexed by continuous time Galton-Watson trees.
40 pages, novembre 2009
B. M. Dickson, F. Legoll, T. Lelievre, G. Stoltz, P. Fleurat-Lessard.
Free energy calculations: An efficient adaptive biasing potential method.
4 pages, novembre 2009
J.-Ph Chancelier.
A note on strong convergence to common fixed points of nonexpansive mappings in Hilbert spaces.
11 pages, septembre 2009
A. Alfonsi, J. Lelong.
A closed-form extension to the Black-Cox model.
27 pages, septembre 2009
M. De Lara.
Environmental Noise Variability in Population Dynamics Matrix Models.
9 pages, septembre 2009
L. El Alaoui, A. Ern and M. Vohralik.
Guaranteed and robust a posteriori error estimates and balancing discretization and linearization errors for monotone nonlinear problems.
24 pages, septembre 2009
G. Stoltz, N. Mingo, F. Mauri.
Reducing the thermal conductivity of carbon nanotubes below the random isotope limit.
5 pages, septembre 2009
M. De Lara.
Preferences Yielding the ``Precautionary Effect'.
13 pages, juillet 2009
F. Legoll, T. Lelièvre.
Effective dynamics using conditional expectations.
27 pages, juillet 2009
S. Boyaval, T. Lelièvre.
A variance reduction method for parametrized stochastic differential equations using the reduced basis paradigm.
36 pages, juillet 2009
David Doyen, Alexandre Ern.
Convergence of a space semi-discrete modified mass method for the dynamic Signorini problem.
10 pages, juillet 2009
M. De Lara, P. Gajardo, H.R. Cabrera.
Viable harvest of monotone bioeconomic models.
16 pages, Juin 2009
Aurélien Alfonsi, Alexander Schied.
Optimal execution and absence of price manipulations in limit order book models.
31 pages, Juin 2009
Eladio Ocana Anaya, Michel De Lara, Ricardo Oliveros--Ramos, Jorge Tam.
Viability Kernel for Ecosystem Management Models.
19 pages, Juin 2009
Laetitia Andrieu, Michel De Lara, Babacar Seck.
Conditional Value-at-Risk Constraint and Loss Aversion Utility Functions.
21 pages, Juin 2009
Christian Brouder, Gianluca Panati, Gabriel Stoltz.
The Green function of degenerate systems.
4 pages, Juin 2009
Christian Brouder, Gianluca Panati, Gabriel Stoltz.
Gell-Mann and Low formula for degenerate unperturbed states.
22 pages, Juin 2009
Nicolas Forcadel, Cyril Imbert, Régis Monneau .
Homogenization of accelerated Frenkel-Kontorova models with $n$ types of particles.
38 pages, Juin 2009
Alexandre Ern, Martin Vohralik.
A posteriori error estimation based on potential and flux reconstruction for the heat equation.
22 pages, Mai 2009
Erik Burman, Alexandre Ern, Miguel Fernandez.
Explicit Runge--Kutta schemes and finite elements with symmetric stabilization for first-order linear PDE systems.
28 pages, mai 2009
J. Tryoen, O. Le Maître, M. Ndjinga, A. Ern.
Multi-Resolution Analysis and Upwinding for Uncertain Nonlinear Hyperbolic Systems.
32 pages, Avril 2009
Benjamin Jourdain, Tony Lelièvre, Raphaël Roux.
Existence, uniqueness and convergence of a particle approximation for the Adaptive Biasing Force process.
36 pages, Avril 2009
Romain Abraham, Jean-François Delmas.
A continuum-tree-valued Markov process.
33 pages, Avril 2009
Simona Perotto, Alexandre Ern, Alessandro Veneziani.
Hierarchical local model reduction for elliptic problems I: adomain decomposition approach..
28 pages, 23 avril 2009
P. Biler, G. Karch, R. Monneau.
Nonlinear diffusion of dislocation density and self-similar solutions..
26 pages, Mars 2009
A. El Hajj A., H. Ibrahim,R. Monneau.
Dislocation dynamics: from microscopic models to macroscopic crystal plasticity.
15 pages, Mars 2009
A. El Hajj A., H. Ibrahim,R. Monneau.
Homogenization of dislocation dynamics.
6 pages, Mars 2009
H. Ibrahim H.,R. Monneau.
On the rate of convergence in periodic homogenization of scalar first-order ordinary differential equations.
19 pages, Mars 2009
H. Ibrahim, M. Jazar, R. Monneau.
Dynamics of dislocation densities in a bounded channel. Part II: existence of weak solutions to a singular Hamilton-Jacobi/parabolic strongly coupled system.
33 pages, Mars 2009
H. Ibrahim, M. Jazar, R. Monneau.
Dynamics of dislocation densities in a bounded channel. Part I: smooth solutions to a singular coupled parabolic system..
65 pages, Mars 2009
Alexandre Ern, Igor Mozolevski, Luciane Schuh,.
Discontinuous Galerkin approximation of two-phase flows in heterogeneous porous media with discontinuous capillary pressures.
25 pages, Mars 2009
Kengy Barty, Pierre Carpentier, Pierre Girardeau,.
Decomposition of large-scale stochastic optimal control problems,.
14 pages, Mars 2009
Jean-François Pommaret,.
Parametrization of Cosserat Equations,.
13 pages, Mars 2009
Jean-Bernard Maillet, Emeric Bourasseau, Laurent Soulard, Jean Clerouin, Gabriel Stoltz,.
Constant entropy sampling and release waves of shock compressions.
31 pages, Fevrier 2009
Jean-François Pommaret,.
Macaulay inverse systems revisited,.
18 pages, Fevrier 2009
David Doyen, Alexandre Ern, Serge Piperno,.
A three-field augmented Lagrangian formulation of unilateral contact problems with cohesive forces,.
23 pages, Janvier 2009
A. Iacobucci, F. Legoll, S. Olla, G. Stoltz.
Thermal conductivity of the Toda lattice with conservative noise.
13 pages, décembre 2009
Thermal conductivity of the Toda lattice with conservative noise.
13 pages, décembre 2009
D. Doyen, A. Ern et S. Piperno.
Time-integration schemes for the finite element dynamic Signorini problem.
30 pages, décembre 2009
Time-integration schemes for the finite element dynamic Signorini problem.
30 pages, décembre 2009
B. Jourdain, M. Vellekoop.
Regularity of the Exercise Boundary for American Put Options on Assets with Discrete Dividends.
19 pages, novembre 2009
Regularity of the Exercise Boundary for American Put Options on Assets with Discrete Dividends.
19 pages, novembre 2009
S. Cacace, A. Chambolle, R. Monneau.
A posteriori error estimates for the effective Hamiltonian of dislocation dynamics.
40 pages, novembre 2009
A posteriori error estimates for the effective Hamiltonian of dislocation dynamics.
40 pages, novembre 2009
V. Bansaye, J.-F. Delmas, L. Marsalle, V. Chi Tran.
Limit theorems for Markov processes indexed by continuous time Galton-Watson trees.
40 pages, novembre 2009
Limit theorems for Markov processes indexed by continuous time Galton-Watson trees.
40 pages, novembre 2009
B. M. Dickson, F. Legoll, T. Lelievre, G. Stoltz, P. Fleurat-Lessard.
Free energy calculations: An efficient adaptive biasing potential method.
4 pages, novembre 2009
Free energy calculations: An efficient adaptive biasing potential method.
4 pages, novembre 2009
J.-Ph Chancelier.
A note on strong convergence to common fixed points of nonexpansive mappings in Hilbert spaces.
11 pages, septembre 2009
A note on strong convergence to common fixed points of nonexpansive mappings in Hilbert spaces.
11 pages, septembre 2009
A. Alfonsi, J. Lelong.
A closed-form extension to the Black-Cox model.
27 pages, septembre 2009
A closed-form extension to the Black-Cox model.
27 pages, septembre 2009
M. De Lara.
Environmental Noise Variability in Population Dynamics Matrix Models.
9 pages, septembre 2009
Environmental Noise Variability in Population Dynamics Matrix Models.
9 pages, septembre 2009
L. El Alaoui, A. Ern and M. Vohralik.
Guaranteed and robust a posteriori error estimates and balancing discretization and linearization errors for monotone nonlinear problems.
24 pages, septembre 2009
Guaranteed and robust a posteriori error estimates and balancing discretization and linearization errors for monotone nonlinear problems.
24 pages, septembre 2009
G. Stoltz, N. Mingo, F. Mauri.
Reducing the thermal conductivity of carbon nanotubes below the random isotope limit.
5 pages, septembre 2009
Reducing the thermal conductivity of carbon nanotubes below the random isotope limit.
5 pages, septembre 2009
M. De Lara.
Preferences Yielding the ``Precautionary Effect'.
13 pages, juillet 2009
Preferences Yielding the ``Precautionary Effect'.
13 pages, juillet 2009
F. Legoll, T. Lelièvre.
Effective dynamics using conditional expectations.
27 pages, juillet 2009
Effective dynamics using conditional expectations.
27 pages, juillet 2009
S. Boyaval, T. Lelièvre.
A variance reduction method for parametrized stochastic differential equations using the reduced basis paradigm.
36 pages, juillet 2009
A variance reduction method for parametrized stochastic differential equations using the reduced basis paradigm.
36 pages, juillet 2009
David Doyen, Alexandre Ern.
Convergence of a space semi-discrete modified mass method for the dynamic Signorini problem.
10 pages, juillet 2009
Convergence of a space semi-discrete modified mass method for the dynamic Signorini problem.
10 pages, juillet 2009
M. De Lara, P. Gajardo, H.R. Cabrera.
Viable harvest of monotone bioeconomic models.
16 pages, Juin 2009
Viable harvest of monotone bioeconomic models.
16 pages, Juin 2009
Aurélien Alfonsi, Alexander Schied.
Optimal execution and absence of price manipulations in limit order book models.
31 pages, Juin 2009
Optimal execution and absence of price manipulations in limit order book models.
31 pages, Juin 2009
Eladio Ocana Anaya, Michel De Lara, Ricardo Oliveros--Ramos, Jorge Tam.
Viability Kernel for Ecosystem Management Models.
19 pages, Juin 2009
Viability Kernel for Ecosystem Management Models.
19 pages, Juin 2009
Laetitia Andrieu, Michel De Lara, Babacar Seck.
Conditional Value-at-Risk Constraint and Loss Aversion Utility Functions.
21 pages, Juin 2009
Conditional Value-at-Risk Constraint and Loss Aversion Utility Functions.
21 pages, Juin 2009
Christian Brouder, Gianluca Panati, Gabriel Stoltz.
The Green function of degenerate systems.
4 pages, Juin 2009
The Green function of degenerate systems.
4 pages, Juin 2009
Christian Brouder, Gianluca Panati, Gabriel Stoltz.
Gell-Mann and Low formula for degenerate unperturbed states.
22 pages, Juin 2009
Gell-Mann and Low formula for degenerate unperturbed states.
22 pages, Juin 2009
Nicolas Forcadel, Cyril Imbert, Régis Monneau .
Homogenization of accelerated Frenkel-Kontorova models with $n$ types of particles.
38 pages, Juin 2009
Homogenization of accelerated Frenkel-Kontorova models with $n$ types of particles.
38 pages, Juin 2009
Alexandre Ern, Martin Vohralik.
A posteriori error estimation based on potential and flux reconstruction for the heat equation.
22 pages, Mai 2009
A posteriori error estimation based on potential and flux reconstruction for the heat equation.
22 pages, Mai 2009
Erik Burman, Alexandre Ern, Miguel Fernandez.
Explicit Runge--Kutta schemes and finite elements with symmetric stabilization for first-order linear PDE systems.
28 pages, mai 2009
Explicit Runge--Kutta schemes and finite elements with symmetric stabilization for first-order linear PDE systems.
28 pages, mai 2009
J. Tryoen, O. Le Maître, M. Ndjinga, A. Ern.
Multi-Resolution Analysis and Upwinding for Uncertain Nonlinear Hyperbolic Systems.
32 pages, Avril 2009
Multi-Resolution Analysis and Upwinding for Uncertain Nonlinear Hyperbolic Systems.
32 pages, Avril 2009
Benjamin Jourdain, Tony Lelièvre, Raphaël Roux.
Existence, uniqueness and convergence of a particle approximation for the Adaptive Biasing Force process.
36 pages, Avril 2009
Existence, uniqueness and convergence of a particle approximation for the Adaptive Biasing Force process.
36 pages, Avril 2009
Romain Abraham, Jean-François Delmas.
A continuum-tree-valued Markov process.
33 pages, Avril 2009
A continuum-tree-valued Markov process.
33 pages, Avril 2009
Simona Perotto, Alexandre Ern, Alessandro Veneziani.
Hierarchical local model reduction for elliptic problems I: adomain decomposition approach..
28 pages, 23 avril 2009
Hierarchical local model reduction for elliptic problems I: adomain decomposition approach..
28 pages, 23 avril 2009
P. Biler, G. Karch, R. Monneau.
Nonlinear diffusion of dislocation density and self-similar solutions..
26 pages, Mars 2009
Nonlinear diffusion of dislocation density and self-similar solutions..
26 pages, Mars 2009
A. El Hajj A., H. Ibrahim,R. Monneau.
Dislocation dynamics: from microscopic models to macroscopic crystal plasticity.
15 pages, Mars 2009
Dislocation dynamics: from microscopic models to macroscopic crystal plasticity.
15 pages, Mars 2009
A. El Hajj A., H. Ibrahim,R. Monneau.
Homogenization of dislocation dynamics.
6 pages, Mars 2009
Homogenization of dislocation dynamics.
6 pages, Mars 2009
H. Ibrahim H.,R. Monneau.
On the rate of convergence in periodic homogenization of scalar first-order ordinary differential equations.
19 pages, Mars 2009
On the rate of convergence in periodic homogenization of scalar first-order ordinary differential equations.
19 pages, Mars 2009
H. Ibrahim, M. Jazar, R. Monneau.
Dynamics of dislocation densities in a bounded channel. Part II: existence of weak solutions to a singular Hamilton-Jacobi/parabolic strongly coupled system.
33 pages, Mars 2009
Dynamics of dislocation densities in a bounded channel. Part II: existence of weak solutions to a singular Hamilton-Jacobi/parabolic strongly coupled system.
33 pages, Mars 2009
H. Ibrahim, M. Jazar, R. Monneau.
Dynamics of dislocation densities in a bounded channel. Part I: smooth solutions to a singular coupled parabolic system..
65 pages, Mars 2009
Dynamics of dislocation densities in a bounded channel. Part I: smooth solutions to a singular coupled parabolic system..
65 pages, Mars 2009
Alexandre Ern, Igor Mozolevski, Luciane Schuh,.
Discontinuous Galerkin approximation of two-phase flows in heterogeneous porous media with discontinuous capillary pressures.
25 pages, Mars 2009
Discontinuous Galerkin approximation of two-phase flows in heterogeneous porous media with discontinuous capillary pressures.
25 pages, Mars 2009
Kengy Barty, Pierre Carpentier, Pierre Girardeau,.
Decomposition of large-scale stochastic optimal control problems,.
14 pages, Mars 2009
Decomposition of large-scale stochastic optimal control problems,.
14 pages, Mars 2009
Jean-François Pommaret,.
Parametrization of Cosserat Equations,.
13 pages, Mars 2009
Parametrization of Cosserat Equations,.
13 pages, Mars 2009
Jean-Bernard Maillet, Emeric Bourasseau, Laurent Soulard, Jean Clerouin, Gabriel Stoltz,.
Constant entropy sampling and release waves of shock compressions.
31 pages, Fevrier 2009
Constant entropy sampling and release waves of shock compressions.
31 pages, Fevrier 2009
Jean-François Pommaret,.
Macaulay inverse systems revisited,.
18 pages, Fevrier 2009
Macaulay inverse systems revisited,.
18 pages, Fevrier 2009
David Doyen, Alexandre Ern, Serge Piperno,.
A three-field augmented Lagrangian formulation of unilateral contact problems with cohesive forces,.
23 pages, Janvier 2009
A three-field augmented Lagrangian formulation of unilateral contact problems with cohesive forces,.
23 pages, Janvier 2009