- Organisation : Ecole
des Ponts ParisTech
- Laboratoire : CERMICS
- Projet : Simulation
et multi-échelle
- Téléphone : 33 (0)1 64 15 35 28
- Fax : 33 (0)1 64 15 35 86
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- Bureau : B304,
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- Courrier :
CERMICS - Ecole des Ponts ParisTech
6 et 8 avenue Blaise Pascal
Cité Descartes - Champs sur Marne
77455 Marne la Vallée Cedex 2 (FRANCE)
English version
Je suis chercheur et professeur à l'Ecole des
Ponts - Institut Polytechnique de Paris.
Le CERMICS a le plaisir d'annoncer l'ouverture de la bourse
postdoctorale Cauchy. Veuillez consulter la page web
dédiée pour plus d'informations.
Je suis membre du Groupe de simulation
moléculaire et multi-échelle au CERMICS et du projet Matherials d'INRIA.
Voici mon cv (pdf).
J'ai passé l'année 2019-2020 à Imperial College of London, au département de
mathématiques et à l'UMI Abraham de
J'ai soutenu mon Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches le 3 juin
2009 (résumé, mémoire). Sujet : Analyse mathématique et numérique de
modèles pour les matériaux, de l'échelle microscopique à l'échelle
Pendant l'année 2004-2005, j'étais en post-doc au Centre de Recherches
Mathématiques à l'Université de Montréal, dans le cadre d'une
année thématique sur les
mathématiques de la modélisation multiéchelle et stochastique.
J'ai soutenu ma thèse le 21 juin 2004 (résumé, mémoire).
Sujet : Modèles multi-échelles pour les fluides
viscoélastiques. Direction de thèse : Benjamin Jourdain
et Claude
Le Bris.
Centres d'intérêts principaux
- Modèles micro-macro pour les fluides viscoélastiques (modèle
de dumbbells, méthode
CONNFFESSIT, méthodes de réduction de variance, estimées
- Ecoulements à surface libre et magnétohydrodynamique.
Application à la simulation des cuves d'électrolyse de
l'aluminium (méthode Arbitrary
Lagrangian Eulerian, moving
contact line problem).
- Simulation moléculaire (dynamique moléculaire, dynamiques avec
contraintes, méthodes adaptatives, méthodes Quantum Monte Carlo, Adaptive Multilevel Splitting,
Accelerated Molecular Dynamics).
- Professeur chargé de cours à temps
partiel à l'Ecole Polytechnique
Cours et exposés introductifs
- Cours :
2008 : Multiscale
modelling of complex fluids: a mathematical initiation,
exposé, notes de cours.
- Ecole
doctorale ECODOQUI 2008 : Monte Carlo methods in molecular dynamics, exposé, notes de cours.
- Workshop stress
tensor effects on fluid mechanics, China, 2010 : Multiscale modelling of complex
fluids: a mathematical initiation, exposé, notes de cours.
- Cornell University, 2010 : Free energy calculations, exposé.
- IPAM tutorial, 2012 : Monte
Carlo methods in molecular dynamics part 1 part 2.
- ICMS tutorial, 2014: Numerical
methods in molecular dynamics, or what is a metastable stochastic
process ? pdf.
- Computational
Toolbox Winterschool 2016, Engelberg: Numerical methods in molecular
dynamics, part 1 part 2.
Egrin, 4ème école, Mai 2016: Model reduction techniques for stochastic dynamics,
school, December 2016, Linz: SDEs in large dimension and numerical methods,
1 part
- Brummer & Partners MathDataLab, KTH, January 2021, Sampling problems in
computational statistical physics, Free
energy adaptive biasing methods (video),
methods for rare event simulations (video),
of metastable dynamics (video).
- Seoul National University, Jump Markov
models and transition state theory: the quasi-stationary
distribution approach, 25-27th August 2021.
- Exposés introductifs (vidéos) :
- Horizons Maths 2012, 19 décembre 2012 : Méthodes
numériques en dynamique moléculaire.
- Collège de France, 9 janvier 2015 : Processus
stochastiques métastables et distributions
- HIM, 29 janvier 2015 : Optimal
scaling for the transient phase of Metropolis Hastings
- BIRS, 24 juillet 2015 : Accelerated
- Newton Institute, 3 décembre 2015 : The parallel
replica algorithm: mathematical foundations and recent
- Université de Genève, 1er février 2017 : Accelerated
dynamics and transition state theory.
- ICTS, août 2017 : Algorithms for computational statistical
physics: a mathematical viewpoint part 1,
part 2.
- IPAM, 16 octobre 2017: Metastability:
a journey from stochastic processes to semiclassical
analysis .
- Newton Institute, 20 novembre 2019: Hybrid
Monte Carlo methods for sampling probability measures on
submanifolds .
- BIRS, 24 novembre 2020 : Effective
dynamics for stochastic differential equations .
- CIRM, 28 juillet 2021 : How to
compute mean transition times?
- KAUST, 31 mai 2023 : Unbiased
sampling using reversibility checks .
- ELLIS workshop, 22 juin 2023 : Finding
saddle points of energy landscape: why and how?
- One World Stochastic Numerics and Inverse Problems, 5 juin
2024 : A
spectral approach to the narrow escape in the disk .
- Workshop
"Numerical methods in molecular simulation", Bonn, April
7-11th 2008.
- Workshop
"Rheology of complex fluids: modeling and numerics", Ecole
des Ponts, January 5-9th 2009.
- Workshop
"Hybrid simulations of dynamical systems and applications
to molecular dynamics", Institut Henri Poincaré, 27
septembre - 30 septembre 2010.
- Minisymposium
"Numerical Methods for Molecular Dynamics", ENUMATH
2011 conference, September 5-9th 2011, slides.
- Workshop "Metastability
and stochastic processes", Ecole des Ponts, September
21st-23rd 2011.
- CECAM workshop "Free energy calculations: From theory to
applications", Ecole des Ponts, June 4th-8th 2012: CECAM webpage,
local webpage.
- CEMRACS 2013: Modelling and
simulation of complex systems: stochastic and deterministic
approaches. Co-organized with Nicolas
Champagnat and Anthony
Nouy. The proceedings are available here.
2013 : Numerical Analysis of Stochastic PDEs, 10 et 11
septembre 2013. Co-organisé avec Jocelyne Erhel
et Erwan Faou.
- Journées
SMAI/INRIA EDP-Proba,2013-2018, Co-organisées avec Florent Malrieu.
- Workshop
"Numerical methods for high-dimensional problems". Ecole
des Ponts, April 14-18th 2014. Co-organized with Virginie
Ehrlacher, Yvon
Maday and Anthony
- Journées Inverse
problems for multiscale and stochastic problems, Ecole des
Ponts, October 2-3rd 2014. Co-organized with Virginie
Ehrlacher, Frédéric
Legoll and Karam
- MoMaS'14 conference.
CIRM, November 17-20th, 2014. Co-organized with Grégoire
Allaire, Clément
Cancès, Alexandre
Ern and Raphaèle
- Free-energy
calculations: A mathematical perspective, BIRS, Casa
Matemática Oaxaca, Mexico, July 19-24th, 2015. Co-organized with
Chris Chipot and
Robert Skeel.
- Workshop "COmputational
Statistics and MOlecular Simulation", Paris, February
2-5th, 2016. Co-organized with Arnaud
Guyader and Gabriel
conference on "Recent developments in numerical methods for
model reduction", November 7-10th 2016. Co-organized with
Simona Perotto
and Gianluigi Rozza.
- Workshop
"Piecewise Deterministic Markov Processes and sampling",
January 25-27th, 2017. Co-organized with Florent
Malrieu and Pierre-André
- Rencontre
Math-Industrie "simulation moléculaire dans l’industrie
pharmaceutique", 28 avril 2017. Co-organisé avec Chris Chipot et Gabriel
- FoCM 2017, Stochastic
Computation Workshop, July 10th-12th, 2017. Co-organized
with Arnulf Jentzen.
Long Program on "Complex High-Dimensional Energy Landscapes",
September 11th - December 15th 2017. Co-organized with Cecilia
Clementi, Graeme Henkelman,
Richard Hennig, Mitchell Luskin,
Marom, Petr
Plechac and Christof
- ICTS program
on "Large deviation theory in statistical physics: Recent
advances and future challenges", August 14th - October
13th 2017. Co-organized with Arvind Ayyer,
Frank den
Hollander, Abhishek
Dhar, Juan
P. Garrahan, Christopher
Jarzynski, Manjunath
Krishnapur, Sanjib
Sabhapandit and Hugo
- Workshop
"Advances in Computational Statistical Physics", CIRM,
September 17th-21st, 2018. Co-organized with Gabriel
Stoltz and Greg
Pavliotis. Link
to videos.
discussion meeting "Coarse-graining with Machine Learning in
molecular dynamics". Sanofi Campus Gentilly, December
4-8th, 2018. Co-organized with Paraskevi
Gkeka, Pierre
Monmarché and Gabriel
workshop "Learning the collective variables of biomolecular
processes". INRIA Paris July 10-12th 2019. Co-organized
with Lucie
Delemotte, Jérôme
Hénin and Gerhard
workshop on "Interacting Particle Systems and applications".
Imperial College of London, December 9-10th 2019. Co-organized
with Greg
- 13th
International Workshop on Rare-Event Simulation - RESIM 2021,
Les Cordeliers Paris, 18th-21st May
2021. Co-organized with Gersende
Fort, Emmanuel
Gobet and Arnaud Guyader.
- Machine
Learning-Assisted Sampling for Scientific Computing -
Applications in Physics, Collège de France - site Ulm,
Paris, October 3-4th 2022. Co-organized with Marylou Gabrié
and Valentin de Bortoli.
- Analysis and
simulation of metastable systems, CIRM, 3rd-7th April
2023. Co-organized with Alessandra Bianchi
and Claudio
MCM 2023, 14th
Monte Carlo Methods Conference, Paris, 26-30th June 2023.
Co-organized with Stéphanie
Allassonnière, Jean-François
Chassagneux, Florence
Forbes, Emmanuel Gobet,
Benjamin Jourdain
and Gilles Pagès.
Activité éditoriale
- Co-éditeur en chef de ESAIM:
Proceedings and Surveys, avec Djalil Chafai, Cyril Imbert et Pauline Lafitte,
- Membre du comité éditorial de SIAM/ASA Journal
of Uncertainty Quantification (JUQ) (2017-2023), IMA Journal of
Numerical Analysis (depuis 2018), Communications
in Mathematical Sciences (depuis 2019), Journal
of Computational Physics (depuis 2019), ESAIM:M2AN (depuis
2020), Foundations of
Computational Mathematics (depuis 2022).
- Co-éditeur du troisième
volume de la revue Transitions, Les Nouvelles annales des
Ponts et Chaussées, sur le thème "Modèles et données pour
l'environnement", avec David Picard, 2023.
- (avec J-F. Gerbeau et C. Le Bris) Mathematical
methods for the Magnetohydrodynamics of liquid metals, 324
pp., Numerical Mathematics and Scientific Computation, Oxford
University Press, 2006.
- (avec M. Rousset et G. Stoltz) Free energy computations: A
mathematical perspective, 472 pp., Imperial College
Press, 2010.
Publications dans des
revues à comité de lecture
- (avec B. Jourdain et C. Le Bris) Numerical analysis of
micro-macro simulations of polymeric fluid flows: a simple
case, Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences,
12(9), 1205-1243,
- (avec J-F. Gerbeau et C. Le Bris) Simulations of MHD flows
with moving interfaces, Journal of Computational
Physics, 184, 163-191,
- (avec J-F. Gerbeau et C. Le Bris) Modelling and simulation
of the industrial production of aluminium: the nonlinear
approach, Computers and Fluids, 33, 801-814, (2004).
- Optimal error estimate for the CONNFFESSIT approach in a
simple case, Computers and Fluids, 33, 815-820, (2004).
- (avec B. Jourdain et C. Le Bris) Existence of solution for
a micro-macro model of polymeric fluid : the FENE model,
Journal of Functional Analysis, 209, 162-193, (2004).
- (avec B. Jourdain et C. Le Bris) On a variance reduction
technique for micro-macro simulations of polymeric fluids,
Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 122, 91-106, (2004).
- (avec F. Dubois) Efficient pricing of Asian options by the
PDE approach, Journal of Computational Finance, 8(2), 55-64, (2005). Voir
aussi le programme en C,
implémenté dans Premia,
ainsi qu'une première version
de cet article.
- (avec J.P. Croisille, A. Ern et J. Proft) Analysis and
simulation of a coupled hyperbolic/parabolic model problem,
Journal of Numerical Mathematics, 13(2), 81-156, (2005). Voir aussi les fichiers de
résultat pour les solutions de référence
- (avec B. Jourdain et C. Le Bris) An elementary argument
regarding the long-time behaviour of the solution to a
stochastic differential equation, Annals of Craiova
University, Mathematics and Computer Science series, 32, 39-47, (2005).
- (avec B. Jourdain, C. Le Bris et F. Otto) Long-time asymptotics of a
multiscale model for polymeric fluid flows, Archive for
Rational Mechanics and Analysis, 181(1), 97-148, (2006).
- (avec E. Cancès et B. Jourdain) Quantum Monte Carlo
simulations of fermions. A mathematical analysis of the
fixed-node approximation, Mathematical Models and Methods
in Applied Sciences, 16(9),
1403-1440, (2006).
- (avec M. Rousset et G. Stoltz) Computation of free energy differences through
nonequilibrium stochastic dynamics: the reaction coordinate
case, Journal of Computational Physics, 222(2), 624-643, (2007).
- (avec M. Caffarel, E. Cancès, A. Scemama et G. Stoltz) An efficient sampling algorithm
for Variational Monte Carlo, Journal of Chemical
Physics, 125, 114105 (2006).
- (avec G. Ciccotti et E. Vanden-Eijnden) Projection of diffusions on
submanifolds: Application to mean force computation,
Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics, 61(3), 371-408, (2008).
- (avec M. El Makrini et B. Jourdain) Diffusion Monte Carlo method: numerical analysis in a
simple case, ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and
Numerical Analysis, 41(2),
- (avec M. Rousset et G. Stoltz) Computation of free energy profiles with parallel
adaptive dynamics, Journal of Chemical Physics 126, 134111 (2007).
- (avec A. Ern) Adaptive
models for polymeric fluid flow simulation, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I, 344(7), 473-476 (2007).
- (avec D. Hu) New entropy
estimates for the Oldroyd-B model, and related models, Communications
Mathematical Sciences 5(4),
909-916 (2007).
- (avec C. Le Bris et E. Vanden-Eijnden)
Analysis of
some discretization schemes for constrained Stochastic
Differential Equations, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I, 346(7-8), 471-476 (2008).
- (avec M. Rousset et G. Stoltz) Long-time convergence of an Adaptive Biasing Force
method, Nonlinearity, 21,
1155-1181 (2008).
- (avec E. Faou) Conservative
stochastic differential equations: Mathematical and numerical
analysis, Mathematics of Computation, 78, 2047-2074 (2009).
- (avec J-F. Gerbeau) Generalized
Boundary Condition and Geometric Conservation Law for surface
tension, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and
Engineering, 198(5-8),
644-656, (2009).
- A general two-scale criteria
for logarithmic Sobolev inequalities, Journal of
Functional Analysis, 256(7),
2211-2221 (2009).
- (avec S. Boyaval et C. Mangoubi) Free-energy-dissipative schemes for the Oldroyd-B
model, ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical
Analysis, 43, 523-561,
- (avec C. Le Bris et Y. Maday) Results and questions on a nonlinear approximation
approach for solving high-dimensional partial differential
equations, Constructive Approximation, 30(3), 621-651, (2009).
- (avec S. Boyaval) A
variance reduction method for parametrized stochastic
differential equations using the reduced basis paradigm,
Communications in Mathematical Sciences, 8(3), 735-762, (2010).
- (avec B. Jourdain et R. Roux) Existence, uniqueness and convergence of a particle
approximation for the Adaptive Biasing Force process,
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, 44, 831-865, (2010).
- (avec C. Chipot et K. Minoukadeh) Potential of mean force calculations: a
multiple-walker adaptive biasing force approach, Journal
of Chemical Theory and Computation, 6(4), 1008-1017, (2010).
- (avec S. Boyaval, C. Le Bris, Y. Maday, N.C. Nguyen et A.T.
Patera) Reduced basis
techniques for stochastic problems, Archives of
Computational Methods in Engineering, 17(4), 435-454, (2010).
- (avec B. Dickson, F. Legoll, G. Stoltz et P. Fleurat-Lessard)
Free energy calculations: An
efficient adaptive biasing potential method, Journal of
Physical Chemistry B, 114,
5823-5830, (2010).
- (avec X. Blanc, F. Legoll et C. Le Bris) Beyond multiscale and
multiphysics: Multimaths for model coupling, Networks
and Heterogeneous Media, 5(3),
423-460, (2010).
- (avec V. Legat et G. Samaey) A numerical closure approach for kinetic models of
polymeric fluids: exploring closure relations for FENE
dumbbells, Computers and Fluids, 43, 119-133, (2011).
- (avec F. Legoll) Effective
dynamics using conditional expectations, Nonlinearity,
23, 2131-2163, (2010).
- (avec F. Cérou, A. Guyader et D. Pommier) A multiple replica approach to
simulate reactive trajectories, Journal of Chemical
Physics, 134, 054108,
- (avec K. Minoukadeh) Long-time
convergence of an Adaptive Biasing Force method : the
bi-channel case, Archive for Rational Mechanics
and Analysis, 202(1),
1-34, (2011).
- (avec E. Cancès et V. Ehrlacher) Convergence of a greedy algorithm for
high-dimensional convex nonlinear problems,
Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 21(12), 2433-2467, (2011).
- (avec N. Chopin et G. Stoltz) Free energy methods for Bayesian inference: efficient
exploration of univariate Gaussian mixture posteriors, Statistics
and Computing, 22(4),
897-916, (2012).
- (avec C. Chipot) Enhanced
sampling of multidimensional free-energy landscapes using
adaptive biasing forces, SIAM Journal of
Applied Mathematics, 71(5),
1673-1695, (2011).
- (avec A. Ern et R. Joubaud) Numerical
study of a thin liquid film flowing down an inclined wavy
plane, Physica D, 240(21), 1714-1723,
- (avec M. Rousset et G. Stoltz) Langevin dynamics with constraints and computation of
free energy differences, Mathematics of Computation, 81(280), 2071-2125, (2012).
- (avec L. He et C. Le Bris) Periodic
long-time behaviour for an approximate model of nematic
polymers, Kinetic and Related Models, 5(2), 357-382, (2012).
- (avec A. Ern et R. Joubaud) Mathematical
study of non-ideal electrostatic correlations in equilibrium
electrolytes, Nonlinearity 25, 1635-1652, (2012).
- (avec C. Le Bris, M. Luskin et D. Perez) A mathematical formalization of
the parallel replica dynamics, Monte Carlo Methods and
Applications, 18(2),
119–146, (2012).
- (avec D. Benoit, L. He et C. Le Bris) Mathematical analysis of a
one-dimensional model for an aging fluid, Mathematical
Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 23(9), 1561-1602, (2013).
- (avec M. Dobson, F. Legoll et G. Stoltz) Derivation of Langevin Dynamics in
a nonzero Background Flow Field, ESAIM: Mathematical
Modelling and Numerical Analysis, 47(6), 1583-1626, (2013).
- (avec F. Legoll et G. Samaey) A micro-macro parareal algorithm: application to
singularly perturbed ordinary differential equations,
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 35(4), A1951–A1986, (2013).
- (avec F. Cérou, A. Guyader et F. Malrieu) On the length of one-dimensional
reactive paths, ALEA Latin American Journal of
Probability and Mathematical Statistics, 10(2), 359-389, (2013).
- (avec F. Nier et G. Pavliotis) Optimal non-reversible linear drift for the
convergence to equilibrium of a diffusion, Journal of
Statistical Physics, 152(2),
237-274, (2013).
- (avec F. Casenave et A. Ern) Accurate and online-efficient evaluation of the a
posteriori error bound in the reduced basis method,
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, 48(1), 207-229, (2014).
- (avec B. Jourdain et B. Miasojedow) Optimal scaling for the transient phase of Metropolis
Hastings algorithms: the longtime behavior, Bernoulli,
20(4), 1930-1978,
- (avec G. Fort, B. Jourdain, E. Kuhn et G. Stoltz) Convergence of the Wang-Landau
algorithm, Mathematics of Computation, 84(295), 2297–2327, (2015).
- (avec G. Fort, B. Jourdain, E. Kuhn et G. Stoltz) Efficiency of the Wang-Landau
algorithm: a simple test case, AMRX, 2, 275-311, (2014).
- (avec M. Athènes, L. Cao, M.-C. Marinica et G. Stoltz) Free energy calculations from
adaptive molecular dynamics simulations with adiabatic
reweighting, Journal of Chemical Physics, 140, 104108, (2014).
- (avec D. Aristoff) Mathematical
analysis of Temperature Accelerated Dynamics, SIAM
Multiscale Modeling and Simulation, 12(1), 290–317, (2014).
- (avec B. Jourdain et B. Miasojedow) Optimal scaling for the transient phase of the random
walk Metropolis algorithm: the mean-field limit, Annals
of Applied Probability, 25(4),
2263-2300, (2015).
- (avec D. Benoit et C. Le Bris) Macroscopic limit of a one-dimensional model for
aging fluids, SIAM Multiscale Modeling and Simulation,
12(3), 1335–1378,
- (avec E. Cancès et V. Ehrlacher) Greedy algorithms for high-dimensional eigenvalue
problems, Constructive Approximation, 40(3), 387-423,
- (avec F. Casenave et A. Ern) A nonintrusive Reduced Basis Method applied to
aeroacoustic simulations, Advances in Computational
Mathematics, 1-26, (2015).
- (avec D. Aristoff et G. Simpson) The parallel replica method for simulating long
trajectories of Markov chains, AMRX, 2, 332-352, (2014).
- (avec J. Comer, J.C. Gumbart, J. Hénin, A. Pohorille et C.
Chipot), The adaptive biasing
force method: everything you always wanted to know, but were
afraid to ask, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 119(3), 1129-1151, (2015).
- (avec C.-E. Bréhier et M. Rousset) Analysis of Adaptive Multilevel Splitting algorithms
in an idealized case, ESAIM P&S, 19, 361 - 394, (2015).
- (avec F. Nier) Low
temperature asymptotics for Quasi-Stationary Distributions in
a bounded domain, Analysis & PDE, 8(3), 561-628, (2015).
- (avec A. Binder et G. Simpson) A Generalized Parallel Replica Dynamics,
Journal of Computational Physics, 284, 595-616, (2015).
- (avec H. Alrachid) Long-time
convergence of an adaptive biasing force method: Variance
reduction by Helmholtz projection, SMAI Journal of
Computational Mathematics, 1,
55-82, (2015).
- (avec F. Casenave et A. Ern) Variants of the Empirical Interpolation Method:
symmetric formulation, choice of norms and rectangular
extension, Advances in Computational Mathematics, 41(5), 961-986, (2015).
- (avec H. Alrachid et R. Talhouk) Local and global solution for a nonlocal
Fokker-Planck equation related to the adaptive biasing force
Journal of Differential Equations, 260, 7032-7058, (2016).
- (avec G. Fort, B. Jourdain et G. Stoltz) Self-Healing Umbrella Sampling:
Convergence and efficiency, Statistics and computing, 27(1), 147-168, (2017).
- (avec A.B. Duncan et G.A. Pavliotis) Variance reduction using nonreversible Langevin
samplers, Journal of Statistical Physics, 163(3), 457-491, (2016).
- (avec C.-E. Bréhier, M. Gazeau, L. Goudenège et M. Rousset) Unbiasedness of some generalized
Adaptive Multilevel Splitting algorithms, Annals of
Applied Probability, 26(6),
3559-3601, (2016). Cf. [arXiv:1505.02674]
pour une version étendue de ce travail.
- (avec C. Mayne, K. Schulten et I. Teo) Adaptive multilevel splitting
method for molecular dynamics calculation of
benzamidine-trypsin dissociation time, Journal of
Chemical Theory and Computation, 12(6), 2983–2989, (2016).
- (avec L. Brochard, E. Cancès, F. Legoll, G. Stoltz and
I.G. Tejada) Coupling a
reactive potential with a harmonic approximation for atomistic
simulations of material failure, Computer Methods in
Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 305, 422-440, (2016).
- (avec J. Infante Acevedo) A
non linear approximation method for solving high dimensional
partial differential equations: Application in Finance,
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 143, 14-34, (2018).
- (avec G. Stoltz) Partial
differential equations and stochastic methods in molecular
dynamics, Acta Numerica, 25, 681-880, (2016).
- (avec G. Di Gesù, D. Le Peutrec et B. Nectoux) Jump Markov models and transition
state theory: the Quasi-Stationary Distribution approach,
Faraday Discussion, 195,
469-495, (2016).
- (avec J. Hénin, A. Lesage et G. Stoltz) Smoothed biasing forces yield
unbiased free energies with the extended-system adaptive
biasing force method, Journal of Physical Chemistry B,
3676-3685, (2017).
- (avec F. Legoll et S. Olla) Pathwise
estimates for an effective dynamics, Stochastic
Processes and their Applications, 127, 2841-2863, (2017).
- (avec T. Zhao, H. Fu, X. Shao, C. Chipot et W. Cai) The Extended Generalized Adaptive
Biasing Force Algorithm for Multidimensional Free-Energy
Calculations, Journal of Chemical Theory and
Computation, 13(4),
1566-1576, (2017).
- (avec R. Assaraf, B. Jourdain et R. Roux) Computation of sensitivities for
the invariant measure of a parameter dependent diffusion,
Stochastics and Partial Differential Equations: Analysis and
Computations 6(2),
125-183, (2018).
- (avec G. Fort, B. Jourdain et G. Stoltz) Convergence and efficiency of
adaptive importance sampling techniques with partial biasing,
Journal of Statistical Physics, 171(2), 220-268 (2018).
- (avec L.Pillaud-Vivien et J. Reygner) Central Limit Theorem for
stationary Fleming-Viot particle systems in finite spaces, ALEA
Latin American Journal of Probability and Mathematical
Statistics, 15,
1163-1182 (2018).
- (avec F. Hédin) gen.parRep:
a first implementation of the Generalized Parallel Replica
dynamics for the long time simulation of metastable
biochemical systems, Computer Physics Communications, 239, 311-324, (2019). Le
code est disponible sur github.
- (avec L.J.S. Lopes) Analysis
of the Adaptive Multilevel Splitting method with the alanine
di-peptide's isomerization, Journal of Computational
Chemistry, 40(11),
1198-1208, (2019).
- (avec G. Di Gesù, D. Le Peutrec et B. Nectoux) Sharp asymptotics of the first
exit point density, Annals of PDE, 5(1), (2019).
- (avec C.-E. Bréhier) On a
new class of score functions to estimate tail probabilities of
some stochastic processes with Adaptive Multilevel Splitting,
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, 29(3), 033126, (2019).
- (avec G. Di Gesù, D. Le Peutrec et B. Nectoux) The exit from a metastable state:
concentration of the exit point distribution on the low energy
saddle points, part 1, Journal de Mathématiques Pures
et Appliquées, 138,
242-306, (2020).
- (avec M. Rousset et G. Stoltz) Hybrid Monte Carlo methods for sampling probability
measures on submanifolds, Numerische Mathematik, 143(2), 379-421, (2019). Une
correction se trouve ici.
- (avec W. Zhang) Pathwise
estimates for effective dynamics: the case of nonlinear
vectorial reaction coordinates, SIAM Multiscale
Modeling and Simulation, 17(3),
1019-1051, (2019).
- (avec G. Samaey et P. Zielinski) Analysis of a micro-macro acceleration method with
minimum relative entropy moment matching, Stochastic
Processes and their Applications, 130, 3753-3801, (2020).
- (avec T. Hudson et F. Legoll) Stochastic homogenization of a scalar viscoelastic
model exhibiting stress-strain hysteresis, ESAIM:
Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, 54, 879-928, (2020).
- (avec F. Legoll et U. Sharma) Effective dynamics for non-reversible stochastic
differential equations: a quantitative study,
Nonlinearity, 32(12),
4779, (2019).
- (avec B. Leimkuhler et Z. Trstanova) Local and global perspectives on diffusion maps in
the analysis of molecular systems, Proceedings of the
Royal Society A, 476,
20190036, (2020).
- (avec F. Legoll, K. Myerscough et G. Samaey) Parareal computation of stochastic
differential equations with time-scale separation: a numerical
study, Computing and Visualization in Science, 23(9), (2020) .
- (avec P. Gkeka, G. Stoltz, A. Barati Farimani, Z.
Belkacemi, M. Ceriotti, J. Chodera, A.R. Dinner, A. Ferguson,
J.-B. Maillet, H. Minoux, C. Peter, F. Pietrucci, A. Silveira,
A. Tkatchenko, Z. Trstanova et R. Wiewiora) Machine learning force fields and
coarse-grained variables in molecular dynamics: application to
materials and biological systems, Journal of Chemical
Theory and Computation, 16(8),
4757-4775, (2020).
- (avec B. Jourdain et P.A. Zitt) Convergence of metadynamics: discussion of the
adiabatic hypothesis, Annals of Applied Probability, 31(5),
2441-2477, (2021).
- (avec D. Le Peutrec et B. Nectoux) The exit from a metastable state: concentration of
the exit point distribution on the low energy saddle points,
part 2, Stochastics and Partial Differential Equations:
Analysis and Computations, 10, 317-357, (2022).
- (avec F. Legoll et U. Sharma)
An adaptive parareal algorithm: application to the simulation
of molecular dynamics trajectories, SIAM Journal on
Scientific Computing, 44(1), B146–B176, (2022). Les
codes sont disponibles ici :
- (avec V. Ehrlacher et P. Monmarché) Adaptive force biasing algorithms: new convergence
results and tensor approximations of the bias, Annals
of Applied Probability, 32(5), 3850-3888, (2022).
- (avec Z. Belkacemi, P. Gkeka et G. Stoltz) Chasing collective variables using
autoencoders and biased trajectories, Journal of
Chemical Theory and Computation, 18(1
- (avec G. Stoltz et W. Zhang)
Multiple projection MCMC algorithms on submanifolds,
IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 43(2), 737-788,
(2023). Les codes sont disponibles ici:
- (avec M. Ramil et J. Reygner) Quasi-stationary distribution for the Langevin
process in cylindrical domains, part I: existence, uniqueness
and long-time convergence, Stochastic Processes and
their Applications, 144, 176-201, (2022).
- (avec L. Maurin et P. Monmarché) The Adaptive Biasing Force algorithm with
non-conservative forces and related topics, ESAIM:
Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, 56(2),
529-564, (2022).
- (avec M. Ramil et J. Reygner) A probabilistic study of the kinetic Fokker-Planck
equation in cylindrical domains, Journal of Evolution
Equations, 22:38, (2022).
- (avec M. Baudel et A. Guyader) On the Hill relation and the mean reaction time for
metastable processes, Stochastic Processes and their
Applications, 155, 393-436, (2023). Cf. [arXiv:2008.09790]
pour une version étendue de ce travail.
- (avec L. Delemotte, J. Hénin, M.R. Shirts et O. Valsson) Enhanced
sampling methods for molecular dynamics simulations,
Living Journal of Computational Molecular Science (LiveCoMS), 4(1),
- (avec M. Ramil et J. Reygner) Estimation of statistics of
transitions and Hill relation for Langevin dynamics,
Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré, 60(3), 1645-1683,
- (avec A. Anciaux-Sekadrian, M. Corral-Valero, M. Moreaud, T.
Pigeon, P. Raybaud et G. Stoltz) Computing surface reaction
rates by Adaptive Multilevel Splitting combined with Machine
Learning and Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics, Journal of
Chemical Theory and Computation, 19(12),
- (avec O. Gorynina, F. Legoll et D. Perez) Combining
machine-learned and empirical force fields with the parareal
algorithm: application to the diffusion of atomistic defects,
Comptes Rendus Mécanique, 351(S1):479–503, (2023). Les
codes sont disponibles ici :
- (avec Z. Belkacemi, M. Bianciotto, P. Gkeka, H. Minoux et G.
Stoltz) Autoencoders for dimensionality reduction in
molecular dynamics: collective variable dimension, biasing and
transition states, Journal of Chemical Physics, 159,
024122, (2023).
- (avec P. Parpas) Using Witten Laplacians to locate index-1
saddle points, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 46(2),
A770-A797, (2024).
- (avec T. Pigeon, G. Stoltz et W. Zhang) Analyzing
multimodal probability measures with autoencoders, The
Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 128(11), ).
- (avec M. Chak, N. Kantas et G. Pavliotis) Optimal friction
matrix for underdamped Langevin sampling, ESAIM:
Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, 57(6),
3335-3371, (2023).
- (avec M.R. Blel et V. Ehrlacher) Influence of sampling on the convergence rates of
greedy algorithms for parameter-dependent random variables,
Mathematics of Computation, 94, 863-908,
- (avec Y. Conjungo Taumhas, G. Dusson, V. Ehrlacher et F.
Madiot) Reduced basis method for non-symmetric
eigenvalue problems: application to the multigroup neutron
diffusion equations, ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and
Numerical Analysis, 58, 1959–1987, (2024).
- (avec R. Santet et G. Stoltz) Unbiasing Hamiltonian Monte
Carlo algorithms for a general Hamiltonian function, à
paraître dans Foundations of Computational Mathematics,
- (avec M. Gabrié, C. Schönle, et G. Stoltz) Sampling
metastable systems using collective variables and
Jarzynski-Crooks paths, Journal of Computational Physics,
527, 113806, (2025).
Actes de conférences / Chapitres de livres
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the illustrative example of the multiscale simulation of
viscoelastic flows, in Multiscale Methods in Science
and Engineering, B. Engquist, P. Lötstedt, O. Runborg, eds.,
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electrolysis cells with Mistral, proceeding of the 2006
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dynamics, ESAIM Proceedings, 22, 217-233, (2008) pdf.
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of complex fluids: A mathematical initiation, in
Multiscale Modeling and Simulation in Science Series, B.
Engquist, P. Lötstedt, O. Runborg, eds., Lect. Notes Comput.
Sci. Eng. 66,
Springer, p. 49-138, (2009). Pour obtenir les programmes Matlab,
me contacter.
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remarks on free energy and coarse-graining, in
Numerical Analysis and Multiscale Computations, B.
Engquist, P. Lötstedt, O. Runborg, eds., Lect. Notes Comput.
Sci. Eng., 82,
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analyze metastable stochastic processes, in Numerical
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Tretyakov, eds., Springer, p. 791-810, (2013).
- (avec E. Cancès et V. Ehrlacher) Greedy algorithms for high-dimensional non-symmetric
linear problems, ESAIM Proceedings, 41, 95-131, (2013) pdf.
- (avec F. Casenave, A. Ern et G. Sylvand) A nonintrusive method to
approximate linear systems with nonlinear parameter dependence,
- (avec D. Aristoff, C.G. Mayne et I. Teo) Adaptive multilevel splitting in
molecular dynamics simulations, ESAIM Proceedings
and Surveys, 48,
215-225, (2015) pdf.
- (avec I. G. Tejada, L. Brochard, G. Stoltz, F. Legoll et E.
Cancès). Combining a reactive
potential with a harmonic approximation for molecular dynamics
simulation of failure. J. Phys. : Conf. Ser. 574 012041, (2015).
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- Mathematical foundations of
Accelerated Molecular Dynamics methods, In: W. Andreoni
and S. Yip (Eds) Handbook of Materials Modeling. Springer, Cham,
(2018). cf. aussi Long-Timescale
Simulations: Challenges, Pitfalls, Best Practices, for
Development and Applications dans ce même ouvrage.
- (avec D. Le Peutrec et B. Nectoux) Exit event from a metastable state and Eyring-Kramers
law for the overdamped Langevin dynamics, In:
Stochastic Dynamics out of Equilibrium, G. Giacomin, S. Olla, E.
Saada, H. Spohn and G. Stoltz (Eds), Springer Proceedings in
Mathematics and Statistics (2019).
- (avec F. Bach, L. Pillaud-Vivien, A. Rudi et G. Stoltz) Statistical Estimation of the
Poincaré constant and Application to Sampling Multimodal
Distributions, Proceedings of the Twenty Third
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and
Statistics, PMLR 108, 2753-2763 (2020).
- (avec M. Ramil et J. Reygner) Mathematical foundations for
the Parallel Replica algorithm applied to the underdamped
Langevin dynamics, MRS
Communications, 12, 454-459 (2022).
- (avec G. Robin, I. Sekkat, G. Stoltz et
G. Victorino Cardoso) Generative methods for sampling
transition paths in molecular dynamics, ESAIM Proceedings
and Surveys, 73,
238-256, (2023) pdf.
- (avec C. Chipot, P. Gkeka, et G. Stoltz) Equilibrium and
Nonequilibrium Methods for Free-Energy Calculations With
Molecular Dynamics, In: Comprehensive Computational
Chemistry, Vol. 3, p.384-400, (2024).
- (avec D. Perez) Recent advances in Accelerated Molecular
Dynamics Methods: Theory and Applications, In:
Comprehensive Computational Chemistry, Vol. 3, p.360-383,
- (avec Y. Conjungo Taumhas, G. Dusson, V. Ehrlacher et F.
Madiot) An Application of Reduced Basis Methods to Core
Computation in APOLLO3,
- (avec D. Le Peutrec et B. Nectoux) Eyring-Kramers exit
rates for the overdamped Langevin dynamics: the case with
saddle points on the boundary,
- (avec M. Chak, G. Stoltz, et U. Vaes) Optimal importance
sampling for overdamped Langevin dynamics,
- (avec M. Rachid et G. Stoltz) A spectral approach to the
narrow escape problem in the disk,
- (avec G.A. Pavliotis, G. Robin, R. Santet et G. Stoltz) Optimizing
the diffusion coefficient of overdamped Langevin dynamics,
- (avec L. Journel et J. Reygner) Condensation in
Fleming-Viot particle systems with fast selection mechanism,
- (avec R. Santet et G. Stoltz) Improving sampling by
modifying the effective diffusion,
- (avec N. Champagnat, M. Ramil, J. Reygner et D. Villemonais) Quasi-stationary
distribution for kinetic SDEs with low regularity coefficients,
(avec N. Blassel et G. Stoltz) Quantitative low-temperature
spectral asymptotics for reversible diffusions in
temperature-dependent domains,
- (avec X. Lin et P. Monmarché) Convergence rates for an
Adaptive Biasing Potential scheme from a Wasserstein
optimization perspective,
mise à jour le 28 janvier 2025.