Frédéric LEGOLL
- Organization: ENPC
- Research Unit: Laboratoire Navier, Multiscale team
- Phone: 33 1 64 15 37 81
- E-mail: frederic.legoll at
- Office: V 014
- Mail:
Laboratoire Navier - ENPC
6 et 8 avenue Blaise Pascal
Cité Descartes - Champs sur Marne
77455 Marne la Vallée Cedex 2 (FRANCE)
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I am currently a researcher at Laboratoire Navier and Professor at Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées.
I am a member of the MATHERIALS project-team, at INRIA (I was a member of the MICMAC project-team).
I defended my habilitation thesis on October 17th, 2011 (abstract, manuscript; see also here for the HAL repository). Title: Mathematical and numerical study of some models in multiscale simulation of materials.
During the year 2004-2005, I was a postdoctoral fellow at the Institute for Mathematics and its Applications (IMA, part of the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis). I participated in the thematic year on Mathematics of Materials and Macromolecules: Multiple Scales, Disorder, and Singularities.
I defended my PhD thesis on August 31st, 2004 (abstract, ps.gz (862 Ko) or pdf (2.5 Mo) file; see also here for the HAL repository).
Title: Molecular and multiscale methods for the numerical simulation of materials.
Supervisors: Claude Le Bris (CERMICS) and Yvon Maday (Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions, University Paris 6).
My resume (pdf file).
Open positions / Hiring:
We are looking for a Postdoctoral student to work on Computational approaches for multiscale hyperbolic conservation laws. See here for a complete description. The work, in between PDEs and scientific computing, is anticipated to start in January 2025. There are no mandatory teaching duties associated with the position. Please email me for more information.
Research themes:
- Numerical methods for stochastic homogenization (variance reduction, weakly stochastic problems), numerical homogenization (MsFEM approach).
- Methods and algorithms for molecular dynamics (effective dynamics, reduction of dimension, multiscale-in-time problems, parareal algorithms, highly oscillatory Hamiltonians, sampling).
- Numerical analysis of micro-macro models for solids, coupling an atomistic model with a continuum mechanics model (variational problems, coarse-graining, finite temperature).
Collaborations with the Molecular and Multiscale Modelling team of the CERMICS.
See also the Action Concertée Incitative Simulation moléculaire webpage.
Editorial activity:
Some videos on my research works:
- HIM workshop on "Multiscale problems: Algorithms, Numerical analysis and Computation", Bonn, August 20, 2024: Multiscale Finite Element Methods for advection-diffusion and reaction-diffusion problems.
- IPAM workshop on "Scale-Bridging Materials Modeling at Extreme Computational Scales", part of the Long Program on "New Mathematics for the Exascale: Applications to Materials Science", Los Angeles, April 21, 2023: Parareal algorithms for molecular dynamics simulations (also available on YouTube).
- Mittag-Leffler Institut workshop on "New trends in numerical multiscale methods and beyond", July 2021 (online conference): On the construction of coarse approximations for highly oscillatory elliptic problems by using coupling approaches
- WCCM conference, January 2021 (online conference): Multiscale Finite Element approaches: Error estimation and adaptivity for an enriched variant
- 26th International Domain Decomposition Conference, December 2020 (online conference): A MsFEM approach with high-order Legendre polynomials
- BIRS workshop on "Developments in the Theory of Homogenization", Banff, July 28, 2015: Special Quasirandom Structures: a selection approach for stochastic homogenization
- BIRS workshop on "Free-Energy Calculations: a Mathematical Perspective", Oaxaca, July 21, 2015: Reduced models for computing the dynamics of reaction coordinates
- CEMRACS 2013 au CIRM, "Modeliser et simuler la complexite: approches stochastiques et deterministes", August 7, 2013: Variance reduction approaches for stochastic homogenisation
- BIRS workshop on "Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics: Mathematical Understanding and Numerical Simulation", Banff, November 13, 2012: Derivation of Langevin dynamics in a nonzero background flow field
Lectures within summer/winter schools:
- CIMPA summer school on multiscale computational methods and error control, IIT Kanpur, July 10-21, 2017: random homogenization, theoretical and numerical aspects
- EMS school and workshop on mathematics for multiscale phenomena, Banach center, Bedlewo, October 24-28, 2011: Some recent numerical approaches for random multiscale materials
- Ecole du GdR CHANT "Modeles micro-macro et cinetiques, fluides et problemes d'interfaces", Grenoble, 11-13 janvier 2006: Problemes multiechelles dans les solides cristallins: quelques exemples
Journal articles:
- R.A. Biezemans, C. Le Bris, F. Legoll and A. Lozinski,
MsFEM for advection-dominated problems in heterogeneous media: Stabilization via nonconforming variants,
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering,
vol. 433, part A, 117496 (2025).
- F.-B. Cartiaux, F. Legoll, A. Libal and J. Reygner,
Survival probability of structures under fatigue: a data-based approach,
Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics,
vol. 77, 103657 (2024).
- V. Ehrlacher, F. Legoll, B. Stamm and S. Xiang,
Embedded corrector problems for homogenization in linear elasticity,
arxiv preprint
and HAL preprint
- S. Brisard, M. Bertin and F. Legoll,
A variance reduction strategy for numerical random homogenization based on the equivalent inclusion method,
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering,
vol. 417, part A, 116389 (2023).
- F.-B. Cartiaux, A. Ehrlacher, F. Legoll, A. Libal and J. Reygner,
Probabilistic formulation of Miner's rule and application to structural fatigue,
Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics,
vol. 74, 103500 (2023).
- O. Gorynina, F. Legoll, T. Lelievre and D. Perez,
Combining machine-learned and empirical force fields with the parareal algorithm: application to the diffusion of atomistic defects,
Comptes Rendus Mecanique,
vol. 351 (S1), 479-503 (2023).
- R.A. Biezemans, C. Le Bris, F. Legoll and A. Lozinski,
Non-intrusive implementation of a wide variety of Multiscale Finite Element Methods,
Comptes Rendus Mecanique,
vol. 351 (S1), 135-180 (2023).
- R.A. Biezemans, C. Le Bris, F. Legoll and A. Lozinski,
Non-intrusive implementation of Multiscale Finite Element Methods: an illustrative example,
Journal of Computational Physics,
vol. 477, 111914 (2023).
- L. Chamoin and F. Legoll,
An introductory review on a posteriori error estimation in Finite Element computations,
SIAM Review,
vol. 65 (4), 963-1028 (2023).
- F. Legoll, P.-L. Rothe, C. Le Bris and U. Hetmaniuk,
An MsFEM approach enriched using Legendre polynomials,
SIAM Multiscale Modeling and Simulation,
vol. 20 (2), 798-834 (2022).
- O. Gorynina, C. Le Bris and F. Legoll,
Mathematical analysis of a coupling method for the practical computation of homogenized coefficients,
Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations,
vol. 28, 44 (2022).
- F. Legoll, T. Lelievre and U. Sharma,
An adaptive parareal algorithm: application to the simulation of molecular dynamics trajectories,
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing,
vol. 44 (1), B146-B176 (2022).
- O. Gorynina, C. Le Bris and F. Legoll,
Some remarks on a coupling method for the practical computation of homogenized coefficients,
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing,
vol. 43 (2), A1273-A1304 (2021).
- F. Legoll, T. Lelievre, K. Myerscough and G. Samaey,
Parareal computation of stochastic differential equations with time-scale separation: a numerical convergence study,
Computing and Visualization in Science,
vol. 23, 9 (2020).
- L. Chamoin and F. Legoll,
Goal-oriented error estimation and adaptivity in MsFEM computations,
Computational Mechanics,
vol. 67 (4), 1201-1228 (2021).
- E. Cances, V. Ehrlacher, F. Legoll, B. Stamm and S. Xiang,
An embedded corrector problem for homogenization. Part II: Algorithms and discretization,
Journal of Computational Physics,
vol. 407, 109254 (2020).
- F. Legoll, T. Lelievre and U. Sharma,
Effective dynamics for non-reversible stochastic differential equations: a quantitative study,
vol. 32 (12), 4779-4816 (2019).
- E. Cances, V. Ehrlacher, F. Legoll, B. Stamm and S. Xiang,
An embedded corrector problem for homogenization. Part I: Theory,
SIAM Multiscale Modeling and Simulation,
vol. 18 (3), 1179-1209 (2020).
- T. Hudson, F. Legoll and T. Lelievre,
Stochastic homogenization of a scalar viscoelastic model exhibiting stress-strain hysteresis,
Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis,
vol. 54 (3), 879-928 (2020).
- C. Le Bris, F. Legoll and F. Madiot,
Multiscale Finite Element methods for advection-dominated problems in perforated domains,
SIAM Multiscale Modeling and Simulation,
vol. 17 (2), 773-825 (2019).
- L. Chamoin and F. Legoll,
A posteriori error estimation and adaptive strategy for the control of MsFEM computations,
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering,
vol. 336, 1-38 (2018).
- M. Josien, Y.-P. Pellegrini, F. Legoll and C. Le Bris,
Fourier-based numerical approximation of the Weertman equation for moving dislocations,
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering,
vol. 113 (12), 1827-1850 (2018).
- C. Le Bris, F. Legoll and S. Lemaire,
On the best constant matrix approximating an oscillatory matrix-valued coefficient in divergence-form operators,
Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations,
vol. 24 (4), 1345-1380 (2018).
- C. Le Bris, F. Legoll and F. Madiot,
Stable approximation of the advection-diffusion equation using the invariant measure,
arxiv preprint
and HAL preprint
- F. Legoll, T. Lelievre and S. Olla,
Pathwise estimates for an effective dynamics,
Stochastic Processes and their Applications,
vol. 127 (9), 2841-2863 (2017).
- C. Le Bris and F. Legoll,
Examples of computational approaches for elliptic, possibly multiscale PDEs with random inputs,
Journal of Computational Physics,
vol. 328, 455-473 (2017).
- C. Le Bris, F. Legoll and F. Madiot,
Stabilisation de problemes non coercifs via une methode numerique utilisant la mesure invariante (Stabilization of non-coercive problems using the invariant measure),
C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Serie I,
vol. 354 (8), 799-803 (2016).
- T. Jourdan, G. Stoltz, F. Legoll and L. Monasse,
An accurate scheme to solve cluster dynamics equations using a Fokker-Planck approach,
Computer Physics Communications,
vol. 207, 170-178 (2016).
- C. Le Bris, F. Legoll and F. Madiot,
A numerical comparison of some Multiscale Finite Element approaches for advection-dominated problems in heterogeneous media,
Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis,
vol. 51 (3), 851-888 (2017)
(earlier extended version:
arxiv preprint
and HAL preprint
- X. Blanc, C. Le Bris and F. Legoll,
Some variance reduction methods for numerical stochastic homogenization,
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A,
vol. 374 (2066), 20150168 (2016).
- C. Le Bris, F. Legoll and W. Minvielle,
Special Quasirandom Structures: a selection approach for stochastic homogenization,
Monte Carlo Methods and Applications,
vol. 22 (1), 25-54 (2016).
- I.G. Tejada, L. Brochard, T. Lelièvre, G. Stoltz, F. Legoll and E. Cancès,
Coupling a reactive potential with a harmonic approximation for atomistic simulations of material failure,
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering,
vol. 305, 422-440 (2016).
- K. Sab, F. Legoll and S. Forest,
Stress Gradient elasticity theory: existence and uniqueness of solution,
J. of Elasticity,
vol. 123 (2), 179-201 (2016).
- E. Cancès, V. Ehrlacher, F. Legoll and B. Stamm,
An embedded corrector problem to approximate the homogenized coefficients of an elliptic equation,
C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Série I,
vol. 353 (9), 801-806 (2015).
- S. Brisard and F. Legoll,
Periodic homogenization using the Lippmann--Schwinger formalism,
arxiv preprint
and HAL preprint
- I.G. Tejada, L. Brochard, G. Stoltz, F. Legoll, T. Lelièvre and E. Cancès,
Combining a reactive potential with a harmonic approximation for molecular dynamics simulation of failure: construction of a reduced potential,
Proceedings of the 2014 IC-MSQUARE conference, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol. 574, 012041 (2015).
- F. Legoll and W. Minvielle,
A control variate approach based on a defect-type theory for variance reduction in stochastic homogenization,
SIAM Multiscale Modeling and Simulation,
vol. 13 (2), 519-550 (2015).
- F. Legoll, W. Minvielle, A. Obliger and M. Simon,
A parameter identification problem in stochastic homogenization,
ESAIM Proceedings,
vol. 48, 190-214 (2015).
- C. Le Bris, F. Legoll and A. Lozinski,
An MsFEM type approach for perforated domains,
SIAM Multiscale Modeling and Simulation,
vol. 12 (3), 1046-1077 (2014).
- C. Le Bris, F. Legoll and K. Li,
Approximation grossière d'un problème elliptique à coefficients hautement oscillants (Coarse approximation of an elliptic problem with highly oscillatory coefficients),
C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Série I,
vol. 351 (7-8), 265-270 (2013).
- F. Legoll and W. Minvielle,
Variance reduction using antithetic variables for a nonlinear convex stochastic homogenization problem,
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - S,
vol. 8 (1), 1-27 (2015).
- Y. Efendiev, C. Kronsbein and F. Legoll,
Multi-Level Monte Carlo approaches for numerical homogenization,
SIAM Multiscale Modeling and Simulation,
vol. 13 (4), 1107-1135 (2015).
- S. Lahbabi and F. Legoll,
Effective dynamics for a kinetic Monte-Carlo model with slow and fast time scales,
Journal of Statistical Physics, vol. 153 (6), 931-966 (2013).
- F. Legoll and F. Thomines,
On a variant of random homogenization theory: convergence of the residual process and approximation of the homogenized coefficients,
Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis,
vol. 48 (2), 347-386 (2014).
- C. Le Bris, F. Legoll and A. Lozinski,
MsFEM à la Crouzeix-Raviart for highly oscillatory elliptic problems,
Chinese Annals of Mathematics, Series B,
vol. 34 (1), 113-138 (2013).
This article has been also published as:
C. Le Bris, F. Legoll and A. Lozinski,
MsFEM à la Crouzeix-Raviart for highly oscillatory elliptic problems,
in Partial Differential Equations: Theory, Control and Approximation, P. G. Ciarlet, T. Li, Y. Maday eds., Springer, 265-294 (2014).
- E. B. Tadmor, F. Legoll, W. K. Kim, L. M. Dupuy and R. E. Miller,
Finite-Temperature Quasi-Continuum, Applied Mechanics Reviews, vol. 65 (1), 010803 (2013).
- F. Legoll, T. Lelièvre and G. Samaey,
A micro-macro parareal algorithm: application to singularly perturbed ordinary differential equations,
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing,
vol. 35 (4), A1951-A1986 (2013).
- M. Dobson, F. Legoll, T. Lelièvre and G. Stoltz,
Derivation of Langevin Dynamics in a nonzero Background Flow Field,
Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis,
vol. 47 (6), 1583-1626 (2013).
- C. Le Bris, F. Legoll and F. Thomines,
Multiscale Finite Element approach for "weakly" random problems and related issues,
Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis,
vol. 48 (3), 815-858 (2014).
- C. Le Bris, F. Legoll and F. Thomines,
Rate of convergence of a two-scale expansion for some "weakly" stochastic homogenization problems,
Asymptotic Analysis, vol. 80 (3-4), 237-267 (2012).
- X. Blanc, F. Legoll and A. Anantharaman,
Asymptotic behaviour of Green functions of divergence form operators with periodic coefficients,
Applied Mathematics Research Express, vol. 2013 (1), 79-101 (2013).
- X. Blanc and F. Legoll,
A numerical strategy for coarse-graining two-dimensional atomistic models at finite temperature: the membrane case,
Computational Materials Science, vol. 66, 84-95 (2013).
- A. Iacobucci, F. Legoll, S. Olla and G. Stoltz,
Negative thermal conductivity of chains of rotors with mechanical forcing,
Phys. Rev. E, vol. 84 (6), 061108 (2011).
- X. Dai, C. Le Bris, F. Legoll and Y. Maday,
Symmetric parareal algorithms for Hamiltonian systems,
Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, vol. 47 (3), 717-742 (2013).
- F. Legoll and T. Lelièvre,
Some remarks on free energy and coarse-graining,
in Numerical Analysis of Multiscale Computations,
B. Engquist, O. Runborg, R. Tsai eds.,
Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. Eng., vol. 82, Springer, 279-329 (2012).
- F. Legoll and T. Lelièvre,
Effective dynamics using conditional expectations,
Nonlinearity, vol. 23 (9), 2131-2163 (2010).
- M. Dobson, C. Le Bris and F. Legoll,
Symplectic schemes for highly oscillatory Hamiltonian systems: the homogenization approach beyond the constant frequency case,
IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, vol. 33 (1), 30-56 (2013)
(earlier extended version: arxiv preprint 1008.1030 and HAL 00524814).
- A. Anantharaman, R. Costaouec, C. Le Bris, F. Legoll and F. Thomines,
Introduction to numerical stochastic homogenization and the related computational challenges: some recent developments,
W. Bao and Q. Du eds.,
Lecture Notes Series, Institute for Mathematical Sciences, National University of Singapore,
volume 22, 197-272 (2011).
- X. Blanc, R. Costaouec, C. Le Bris and F. Legoll,
Variance reduction in stochastic homogenization using antithetic variables,
Markov Processes and Related Fields, vol. 18 (1), 31-66 (2012)
- X. Blanc, R. Costaouec, C. Le Bris and F. Legoll,
Variance reduction in stochastic homogenization: the technique of antithetic variables,
in Numerical Analysis of Multiscale Computations,
B. Engquist, O. Runborg, R. Tsai eds.,
Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. Eng., vol. 82, Springer, 47-70 (2012).
- M. Dobson, C. Le Bris and F. Legoll,
Symplectic schemes for highly oscillatory Hamiltonian systems with varying fast frequencies (Intégrateurs symplectiques pour des systèmes Hamiltoniens hautement oscillants avec fréquences rapides variables),
C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Série I, vol. 348 (17-18), 1033-1038 (2010).
- C. Le Bris and F. Legoll,
Integrators for highly oscillatory Hamiltonian systems: an homogenization approach,
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - B, vol. 13 (2), 347-373 (2010) (earlier extended version: HAL preprint 00165293).
- X. Blanc, C. Le Bris, F. Legoll and C. Patz,
Finite-temperature coarse-graining of one-dimensional models: mathematical analysis and computational approaches,
Journal of Nonlinear Science, vol. 20 (2), 241-275 (2010).
- R. Costaouec, C. Le Bris and F. Legoll,
Variance reduction in stochastic homogenization: proof of concept, using antithetic variables,
Boletin Soc. Esp. Mat. Apl., vol. 50, 9-27 (2010).
- A. Iacobucci, F. Legoll, S. Olla and G. Stoltz,
Thermal conductivity of the Toda lattice with conservative noise,
Journal of Statistical Physics, vol. 140 (2), 336-348 (2010).
- X. Blanc, C. Le Bris, F. Legoll and T. Lelièvre,
Beyond multiscale and multiphysics: multimaths for model coupling,
Networks and Heterogeneous Media, vol. 5 (3), 423-460 (2010).
- B. Dickson, F. Legoll, T. Lelièvre, G. Stoltz and P. Fleurat-Lessard,
Free energy calculations: An efficient adaptive biasing potential method,
Journal of Physical Chemistry B, vol. 114 (17), 5823-5830 (2010).
- R. Costaouec, C. Le Bris and F. Legoll,
Approximation numérique d'une classe de problèmes en homogénéisation stochastique (Numerical approximation of a class of problems in stochastic homogenization),
C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Série I, vol. 348 (1-2), 99-103 (2010).
- F. Legoll,
Multiscale methods coupling atomistic and continuum mechanics: some examples of mathematical analysis,
in Analytical and Numerical Aspects of Partial Differential Equations,
E. Emmrich and P. Wittbold eds.,
de Gruyter Proceedings in Mathematics, 193-245 (2009).
- F. Legoll, M. Luskin and R. Moeckel,
Non-ergodicity of Nosé-Hoover dynamics,
Nonlinearity, vol. 22 (7), 1673-1694 (2009).
- M. Hammoud, D. Duhamel, K. Sab and F. Legoll,
Coupled Discrete and Continuum Approach to the Behavior of Ballast,
Ninth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology proceeding, Athens (september 2008).
- E. Cancès, F. Legoll, M.-C. Marinica, K. Minoukadeh and F. Willaime,
Some improvements of the activation-relaxation technique method for finding transition pathways on potential energy surfaces,
Journal of Chemical Physics, vol. 130 (11), 114711 (2009).
- B. Leimkuhler, F. Legoll and E. Noorizadeh,
A temperature control technique for nonequilibrium molecular simulation,
Journal of Chemical Physics, vol. 128 (7), 074105 (2008).
- F. Legoll, T. Lelièvre and G. Stoltz,
Some remarks on sampling methods in molecular dynamics,
ESAIM Proceedings, vol. 22, 217-233 (2008).
- C. Le Bris and F. Legoll,
Dérivation de schémas numériques symplectiques pour des systèmes hamiltoniens hautement oscillants (derivation of symplectic numerical schemes for highly oscillatory hamiltonian systems),
C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Série I, vol. 344 (4), 277-282 (2007).
- F. Legoll, M. Luskin and R. Moeckel,
Non-ergodicity of the Nosé-Hoover Thermostatted Harmonic Oscillator,
Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, vol. 184 (3), 449-463 (2007).
- E. Cancès, F. Legoll and G. Stoltz,
Theoretical and numerical comparison of some sampling methods for molecular dynamics,
Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, vol. 41 (2), 351-389 (2007).
- X. Blanc, C. Le Bris and F. Legoll,
Analysis of a prototypical multiscale method coupling atomistic and continuum mechanics: the convex case,
Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, vol. 23 (2), 209-216 (2007).
- X. Blanc, C. Le Bris and F. Legoll,
Analysis of a prototypical multiscale method coupling atomistic and continuum mechanics,
Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, vol. 39 (4), 797-826 (2005).
- F. Legoll,
Numerical homogenization of nonlinear viscoplastic two-dimensional polycrystals,
Computational and Applied Mathematics,
vol. 23 (2-3), 309-325 (2004).
- E. Cancès, F. Castella, Ph. Chartier, E. Faou, C. Le Bris, F. Legoll and G. Turinici,
High-order averaging schemes with error bounds for thermodynamical properties calculations by molecular dynamics simulations,
Journal of Chemical Physics, vol. 121 (21), 10346-10355 (2004).
- E. Cancès, F. Castella, Ph. Chartier, E. Faou, C. Le Bris, F. Legoll and G. Turinici,
Long-time averaging for integrable Hamiltonian dynamics,
Numerische Mathematik, vol. 100 (2), 211-232 (2005).
- F. Legoll and R. Monneau,
Designing reversible measure invariant algorithms with applications to molecular dynamics,
Journal of Chemical Physics, vol. 117 (23), 10452-10464 (2002).
Conferences and mini-symposium organization:
- with A. Lozinski (U. Besancon), we co-organise a winter school and a workshop on Reduced-Order Modeling for Complex Engineering Problems within the IMSI institute, 29 january - 7 february 2025, Chicago (flyer of the event).
- Congress CANUM 2024, 27-31 may 2024, Ile de Re: with L. Balazi (CEA and CMAP) and P. Omnes (CEA), we co-organise the mini-symposium "Methodes multi-echelles pour les EDP".
- Conference SIAM UQ 2024, 27 february - 1 march 2024, Trieste: with G. Samaey (Leuven), we co-organized the mini-symposium "Multilevel and asymptotic-preserving methods for uncertainty quantification in multiscale systems".
- Conference COMPLAS 2023, 5-7 september 2023, Barcelona: with J. Zeman (Prague), we co-organized the invited session "Computational approaches for heterogeneous materials".
- Conference SIAM CSE 2023, 26 february - 3 march 2023, Amsterdam: with A. Lozinski (U. of Besancon), we co-organized the mini-symposium "Computational approaches for multiscale problems and their applications".
- Conference ICIAM 2019, 15-19 july 2019, Valencia: with C. Le Bris (ENPC), we co-organized the mini-symposium "Computational approaches for multiscale, possibly random problems".
- Conference SIAM CSE 2019, 25 february - 1 march 2019, Spokane: with U. Hetmaniuk (U. of Washington), we co-organized the mini-symposium "Multiscale and domain decomposition approaches for PDEs with rough coefficients".
- Conference SciCADE 2017, 11-15 september 2017, Bath: with A. Abdulle (EPFL), we co-organized the mini-symposium "Multiscale modelling: numerical methods and applications".
- Member of the scientific committee SciCADE 2017.
- 14th U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics (14th USNCCM), July 17-20, 2017, Montreal: with L. Chamoin (LMT Cachan) and K. Van der Zee (Nottingham), we co-organized a mini-symposium on "Adaptivity for multiscale problems".
- 8th International Conference on Multiscale Materials Modeling, 10-14 october 2016, Dijon: with W. Curtin (EPFL), C. Garcia-Cervera (UCSB), J. Kermode (Warwick), X. Li (Penn State), A. Lozinski (Besancon), M. Luskin (Minneapolis) and C. Ortner (Warwick), we co-organized the mini-symposium "Mathematical theory and computational techniques for multiscale materials modeling".
- Member of the scientific committee SciCADE 2015.
- Workshop Stochastic and multiscale inverse problems (ENPC, 2-3 october 2014), organized with Virginie Ehrlacher, Tony Lelièvre and Karam Sab.
- SciCADE 2013 conference, September 16-20, 2013, Valladolid: with Yvon Maday (Paris 6), we have co-organized a mini-symposium on "Recent advances on parareal algorithms".
- 12th U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics (12th USNCCM), July 22-25, 2013, Raleigh: with Régis Cottereau (Centrale Paris), Lori Graham-Brady (Johns Hopkins) and Martin Ostoja-Starzewski (U. of Illinois), we co-organized a mini-symposium on "Multi-scale methods for heterogeneous materials".
- 12th U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics (12th USNCCM), July 22-25, 2013, Raleigh: with Brent Kraczek (US Army Research Laboratory), Reese Jones (Sandia National Laboratories) and Kranthi Mandadapu (Sandia National Laboratories), we co-organized a mini-symposium on "The atomistic basis of non-equilibrium thermal processes in materials".
- 22nd International Workshop on Computational Mechanics of Materials (IWCMM XXII), September 24-26, 2012, Baltimore: with Brent Kraczek (US Army Research Laboratory), Reese Jones (Sandia National Laboratories) and Kranthi Mandadapu (Sandia National Laboratories), we co-organized a mini-symposium on "Atomistic basis of thermal processes in driven systems".
with E. Faou, T. Lelièvre and G. Stoltz, we co-organized a CEA-EDF-INRIA school on Simulation of hybrid dynamical systems and applications to molecular dynamics, September 27-30, 2010, IHP (see also here for the program).
Dynamics Days Europe 2010, September 6-10, 2010, Bristol: with B. Leimkuhler, we co-organized a mini-symposium on "Molecular Dynamics".
Multiscale Molecular Modelling conference, June 30 - July 3, 2010, Edinburgh: with T. Lelièvre, we co-organized a mini-symposium on "Coarse-graining and effective dynamics in molecular simulation".
4th European Conference on Computational Mechanics, May 16-21, 2010, Paris: with H. Ben Dhia (Centrale Paris), F. Feyel (Onera and ENSMP) and V. Kouznetsova (TU Eindhoven), we co-organized a mini-symposium on "Arlequin, FE2 and other embedded domains methods for multimodel and multiscale mechanical problems: advances, analyses and computation of challenging fine scales applications".
Mini-symposium Numerical methods and their applications in molecular simulation (ICNAAM 2009 conference, Crete, September 18-22, 2009), organized with E. Cancès.
Mini-symposium "Multimodel and Multiscale Approaches in Solid Mechanics: Algorithms and Applications Advances" (10th US National Congress on Computational Mechanics, Columbus, July 16-19, 2009), organized with H. Ben Dhia.
Workshop Numerical methods in molecular simulation (HIM, Bonn, April 7-11, 2008), organised with Tony Lelièvre, Mathias Rousset and Gabriel Stoltz.
Workshop on Models and numerical methods for granular materials (ENPC, November 19-21, 2007), organized with François Castella (this workshop is part of the GdR CHANT activities).
Mini-symposium Molecular dynamics (SciCADE 2007 conference, Saint-Malo, July 9-13, 2007), organised with Eric Darve.
Conference on Molecular simulation: algorithmic and mathematical aspects (IHP, Paris, 1-3 december 2004).
Workshop PRESTISSIMO (IHP, Paris, 11-12 december 2003), on Molecular dynamics and long term integration.
Short term visits:
- IPAM Los Angeles, fall 2017: 4 weeks (core participant within the "Complex high-dimensional energy landscapes" program, Sept.-Dec. 2017).
- IPAM Los Angeles, december 2012: 3 weeks (core participant within the ``Materials Defects'' program, Sept.-Dec. 2012).
- Texas A & M University, december 2011: 2 weeks (collaboration with Y. Efendiev).
- Minneapolis, may 2009: 3 weeks at the IMA (Institute for Mathematics and its Applications).
- Berlin, july 2008: 3 weeks at the Technische Universität, with participation in the program Analytical and numerical aspects of partial differential equations.
- Bonn, spring 2008: 3 weeks with the HIM Junior Trimester Program on Computational Mathematics (Numerical methods in molecular simulation, organised with Tony Lelièvre, Mathias Rousset and Gabriel Stoltz).
- Minneapolis, april 2006: 3 weeks at the IMA (Institute for Mathematics and its Applications).
Teaching activities:
- since sept. 2021: in charge of the course Partial Differential Equations: Variational approaches (ENPC first year, 15h).
- The course webpage (lecture notes in english, practical informations in french).
- since sept. 2023: PDE and modelisation (M2
Mathématiques et Applications, Université Pierre et Marie Curie Paris 6).
- The course webpage on the website of Sorbonne Universite (see also my own webpage for lecture notes, practical informations, ...). Both webpages are in french.
- sept. 2018 -- : Time-dependent problems course (ENPC second year, IMI department, 30h).
More details on the cursus at the ENPC.
Last update: November 2024.